PageSearchControl pageSearchControl = null;
SortByNameSearchControl sortSearchControl = null;
AttributeFilterSearchControl attributeFilterSearchControl = null;
NameFilterSearchControl nameFilterSearchControl = null;
if (controls != null)
for (IdentityObjectSearchControl control : controls)
if (control instanceof PageSearchControl)
pageSearchControl = (PageSearchControl)control;
else if (control instanceof SortByNameSearchControl)
sortSearchControl = (SortByNameSearchControl)control;
else if (control instanceof AttributeFilterSearchControl)
attributeFilterSearchControl = (AttributeFilterSearchControl)control;
else if (control instanceof NameFilterSearchControl)
nameFilterSearchControl = (NameFilterSearchControl)control;
LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapFromIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, identity);
LDAPIdentityObjectTypeConfiguration typeConfig = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, identity.getIdentityType());
LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);
List<IdentityObject> objects = new LinkedList<IdentityObject>();
// If parent simply look for all its members
if (parent)
if (typeConfig.getMembershipAttributeName() == null)
throw new IdentityException("Membership attribute name not configured. Given IdentityObjectType cannot have" +
"members: " + identity.getIdentityType().getName());
Attributes attrs = ldapContext.getAttributes(ldapFromIO.getDn());
Attribute member = attrs.get(typeConfig.getMembershipAttributeName());
if (member != null)
NamingEnumeration memberValues = member.getAll();
while (memberValues.hasMoreElements())
String memberRef = memberValues.nextElement().toString();
if (typeConfig.isMembershipAttributeDN())
//TODO: use direct LDAP query instaed of other find method and add attributesFilter
if (nameFilterSearchControl != null)
String name = Tools.stripDnToName(memberRef);
String regex = Tools.wildcardToRegex(nameFilterSearchControl.getFilter());
if (Pattern.matches(regex, name))
objects.add(findIdentityObject(ctx, memberRef));
objects.add(findIdentityObject(ctx, memberRef));
//TODO: if relationships are not refered with DNs and only names its not possible to map
//TODO: them to proper IdentityType and keep name uniqnes per type. Workaround needed
throw new NotYetImplementedException("LDAP limitation. If relationship targets are not refered with FQDNs " +
"and only names, it's not possible to map them to proper IdentityType and keep name uniqnes per type. " +
"Workaround needed");
// if not parent then all parent entries need to be found
// Search in all other type contexts
for (IdentityObjectType parentType : configuration.getConfiguredTypes())
LDAPIdentityObjectTypeConfiguration parentTypeConfiguration = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, parentType);
List<String> allowedTypes = Arrays.asList(parentTypeConfiguration.getAllowedMembershipTypes());
// Check if given identity type can be parent
if (!allowedTypes.contains(identity.getIdentityType().getName()))
String nameFilter = "*";
//Filter by name
if (nameFilterSearchControl != null)
nameFilter = nameFilterSearchControl.getFilter();
Control[] requestControls = null;
StringBuilder af = new StringBuilder();