* Test for <code>KeyGeneratorSpi</code> constructor Assertion: constructs
* KeyGeneratorSpi
public void testKeyGeneratorSpi01() throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
KeyGeneratorSpi kgSpi = new MyKeyGeneratorSpi();
assertNull("Not null result", kgSpi.engineGenerateKey());
try {
kgSpi.engineInit(77, new SecureRandom());
fail("IllegalArgumentException must be thrown");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
kgSpi.engineInit(new SecureRandom());
fail("IllegalArgumentException must be thrown");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
AlgorithmParameterSpec aps = null;
try {
kgSpi.engineInit(aps, new SecureRandom());
fail("InvalidAlgorithmParameterException must be thrown when parameter is null");
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
aps = new APSpecSpi();
kgSpi.engineInit(aps, new SecureRandom());