<qos> < <state id='OK' info='Keep on running"/> <sender>Tim</sender> <priority>5</priority> <subscribe id='__subId:1'/> <rcvTimestamp nanos='1007764305862000002'> <!-- UTC time when message was created in xmlBlaster server with a publish() call, in nanoseconds since 1970 --> 2001-12-07 23:31:45.862000002 <!-- The nanos from above but human readable --> </rcvTimestamp> <expiration lifeTime='129595811' forceDestroy='false'/> <queue index='0' of='1'/> <!-- If queued messages are flushed on login --> <persistent/> <redeliver>4</redeliver> <route> <node id='heron'/> </route> </qos>
Note that receiveTimestamp is in nanoseconds, whereas all other time values are milliseconds
The receive timestamp can be delivered in human readable form as well by setting on server command line:-cb.receiveTimestampHumanReadable true <rcvTimestamp nanos='1015959656372000000'> 2002-03-12 20:00:56.372 </rcvTimestamp>@see org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.qos.MsgQosFactoryTest @see The interface.publish requirement @author xmlBlaster@marcelruff.info