protected void summarizeMonthly(BAMCalendar start, BAMCalendar end) {
long regBandwidth = 0;
long regHistoryBandwidth=0;
try {
SummaryPersistenceManager spm = SummaryPersistenceManager.getInstance();
MonthDimension md = spm.getMonthDimension(start);
if (md == null) {
md = spm.getMonthDimension(start);
//Get the usage
BandwidthUsageValue[] usages;
usages = client.getStub().getRegistryBandwidthUsageForMonthlySummary(
tenant.getId(), start, end);
if((usages != null) && (usages[0] != null)){
regBandwidth = usages[0].getRegistryBandwidth();
regHistoryBandwidth = usages[0].getRegistryHistoryBandwidth();
if(regBandwidth < 0){
//reg bandwidth should be not null, non-negative
regBandwidth = 0;
if(regHistoryBandwidth < 0){
//reg history bandwidth should be not null, non-negative
regHistoryBandwidth = 0;
//Write the summary
client.getStub().addRegistryBandwidthUsageMonthlySummary(tenant.getId(), md.getId(),
UsageConstants.REGISTRY_CONTENT_BANDWIDTH, regBandwidth, regHistoryBandwidth);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Unable to run Registry Usage monthly summary for domain "
+ tenant.getDomain();
log.error(msg, e);