* @throws IOException
* if there was an error while splitting any log file
* @return cumulative size of the logfiles split
public long splitLogDistributed(final List<Path> logDirs) throws IOException {
MonitoredTask status = TaskMonitor.get().createStatus(
"Doing distributed log split in " + logDirs);
FileStatus[] logfiles = getFileList(logDirs);
status.setStatus("Checking directory contents...");
LOG.debug("Scheduling batch of logs to split");
LOG.info("started splitting logs in " + logDirs);
long t = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
long totalSize = 0;
TaskBatch batch = new TaskBatch();
for (FileStatus lf : logfiles) {
// TODO If the log file is still being written to - which is most likely
// the case for the last log file - then its length will show up here
// as zero. The size of such a file can only be retrieved after
// recover-lease is done. totalSize will be under in most cases and the
// metrics that it drives will also be under-reported.
totalSize += lf.getLen();
if (enqueueSplitTask(lf.getPath().toString(), batch) == false) {
throw new IOException("duplicate log split scheduled for "
+ lf.getPath());
waitForSplittingCompletion(batch, status);
if (batch.done != batch.installed) {
batch.isDead = true;
LOG.warn("error while splitting logs in " + logDirs +
" installed = " + batch.installed + " but only " + batch.done + " done");
String msg = "error or interrupted while splitting logs in "
+ logDirs + " Task = " + batch;
throw new IOException(msg);
for(Path logDir: logDirs){
status.setStatus("Cleaning up log directory...");
try {
if (fs.exists(logDir) && !fs.delete(logDir, false)) {
LOG.warn("Unable to delete log src dir. Ignoring. " + logDir);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(logDir);
if (files != null && files.length > 0) {
LOG.warn("returning success without actually splitting and " +
"deleting all the log files in path " + logDir);
} else {
LOG.warn("Unable to delete log src dir. Ignoring. " + logDir, ioe);
String msg = "finished splitting (more than or equal to) " + totalSize +
" bytes in " + batch.installed + " log files in " + logDirs + " in " +
(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms";
return totalSize;