private void executeGoals( List goals, Stack forkEntryPoints, MavenSession session, MavenProject project )
throws LifecycleExecutionException, BuildFailureException, PluginNotFoundException
for ( Iterator i = goals.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
MojoExecution mojoExecution = (MojoExecution);
MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();
PlexusConfiguration configuration = mojoDescriptor.getMojoConfiguration();
boolean usesReactorProjects = mojoDescriptor.isAggregator() || usesSessionOrReactorProjects( configuration );
if ( usesReactorProjects )
calculateAllConcreteStates( session );
calculateConcreteState( project, session, true );
calculateConcreteConfiguration( mojoExecution, project, session );
List reportExecutions = null;
if ( mojoDescriptor.isRequiresReports() )
reportExecutions = getReportExecutions( project, forkEntryPoints, mojoExecution, session );
boolean hasFork = false;
if ( mojoDescriptor.getExecutePhase() != null || mojoDescriptor.getExecuteGoal() != null )
hasFork = true;
else if ( reportExecutions != null )
for ( Iterator it = reportExecutions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
MojoExecution reportExecution = (MojoExecution);
MojoDescriptor reportDescriptor = reportExecution.getMojoDescriptor();
if ( reportDescriptor.getExecutePhase() != null || reportDescriptor.getExecuteGoal() != null )
hasFork = true;
if ( hasFork )
// NOTE: This must always happen, regardless of treatment of reactorProjects below, because
// if we're in a forked execution right now, the current project will itself be an execution project of
// something in the reactorProjects list, and won't have a next-stage executionProject created
// for it otherwise, which leaves the project == null for the upcoming forked execution.
createExecutionProject( project, session, true );
if ( usesReactorProjects )
List reactorProjects = session.getSortedProjects();
for ( Iterator it = reactorProjects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
MavenProject reactorProject = (MavenProject);
createExecutionProject( reactorProject, session, false );
if ( mojoDescriptor.getExecutePhase() != null || mojoDescriptor.getExecuteGoal() != null )
forkEntryPoints.push( mojoDescriptor );
forkLifecycle( mojoDescriptor, forkEntryPoints, session, project );
if ( mojoDescriptor.isRequiresReports() )
List reports = getReports( reportExecutions, project, mojoExecution, session );
mojoExecution.setReports( reports );
for ( Iterator j = mojoExecution.getForkedExecutions().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
MojoExecution forkedExecution = (MojoExecution);
MojoDescriptor descriptor = forkedExecution.getMojoDescriptor();
if ( descriptor.getExecutePhase() != null )
forkEntryPoints.push( descriptor );