boolean modExists = fs.exists(modFile);
if (!destExists && !modExists) {
// This should never be thrown since generateMergedFile(...) is only called on filesToMerge
// from merge() which is the union of the files in the destination and modified codebases.
throw new MoeProblem(
String.format("%s doesn't exist in either %s nor %s. This should not be possible.",
filename, destinationCodebase, modifiedCodebase));
} else if (origExists && modExists && !destExists) {
if (areDifferent(filename, origFile, modFile)) {
// Proceed and merge in /dev/null, which should produce a merge conflict (incoming edit on
// delete).
destFile = new File("/dev/null");
} else {
// Defer to deletion in destination codebase.
} else if (origExists && !modExists && destExists) {
// Blindly follow deletion of the original file by not copying it into the merged codebase.
} else if (!origExists && !(modExists && destExists)) {
// File exists only in modified or destination codebase, so just copy it over.
File existingFile = (modExists ? modFile : destFile);
copyToMergedCodebase(filename, existingFile);
} else if (!origExists && modExists && destExists) {
// Merge both new files (conflict expected).
origFile = new File("/dev/null");
File mergedFile = copyToMergedCodebase(filename, destFile);
String mergeOutput;
try {
// Merges the changes that lead from origFile to modFile into mergedFile (which is a copy
// of destFile). After, mergedFile will have the combined changes of modFile and destFile.
mergeOutput = AppContext.RUN.cmd.runCommand("merge", ImmutableList.of(
mergedFile.getAbsolutePath(), origFile.getAbsolutePath(), modFile.getAbsolutePath()),
// Return status was 0 and the merge was successful. Note it.
} catch (CommandException e) {
// If merge fails with exit status 1, then a conflict occurred. Make a note of the filepath.
if (e.returnStatus == 1) {
} else {
throw new MoeProblem(
"Merge returned with unexpected status %d when trying to run \"merge -p %s %s %s\"",