* if a dependency is not met by the new module.
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Module>> it = installed.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext() == true) {
Map.Entry<String, Module> entry = it.next();
ModuleRequires requires = entry.getValue().getRequires();
* Loop through all of the requirements of the installed module. If
* the name matches, then check to see if the versions match too.
* If not, return false.
for (ModuleInfo requirer : requires.getRequires()) {
if (requirer.getName().equals(pendingInfo.getName()) == true) {
if (ModuleOverwriteUtils.isSatisfied(pendingInfo, requirer) == false) {
StringBuffer reason = new StringBuffer();
reason.append("Module " + entry.getValue().getName());
reason.append(" depends on " + pendingInfo.getName());