{@code ModuleActivator} is an interface that may be implemented when a moduleis started or stopped. The Runtime can create instances of a module's {@code ModuleActivator} as required. If an instance's{@code ModuleActivator.start} method executes successfully, it is guaranteedthat the same instance's {@code ModuleActivator.stop} method will be calledwhen the module is to be stopped. The Runtime must not concurrently call a {@code ModuleActivator} object.
{@code ModuleActivator} is specified through the {@code Module-Activator}module header.
The specified {@code ModuleActivator} class must have a public constructorthat takes no parameters so that a {@code ModuleActivator} object can becreated by {@code Class.newInstance()}. @author thomas.diesler@jboss.com @since 27-Sep-2013 @NotThreadSafe