Represents a filter manipulating source or target segments in an alignment list.
The modification can be for example merging segments (merge package), splitting segments (split package) or changing segment contents (clean package).
Applies separate algorithms ( {@link ModifyAlgorithm}) to source and target segments in each alignment on input list.
@author loomchildModifiers that are parsed from an OIF or JSON formatted request are not resolved and must be resolved before they are applied to server side objects.
Modifier: public protected private static abstract final native synchronized transient volatile strictfp default
The numeric values of these flags match the ones for class files as described in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (except for {@link #DEFAULT}). Note that the Java model class {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.Flags} also provides the sameconstants as this class.
@since 2.0 @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.