Examples of ModelFormatException

Examples of net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException

            IResource res = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getResource(resource);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new ModelFormatException("IO Exception reading model format", e);
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Examples of net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException

            byte[] modelXml = zipContents.get("model.xml");
            if (modelXml == null)
                throw new ModelFormatException("Model " + fileName + " contains no model.xml file");
            DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
            Document document = documentBuilder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(modelXml));
            NodeList nodeListTechne = document.getElementsByTagName("Techne");
            if (nodeListTechne.getLength() < 1)
                throw new ModelFormatException("Model " + fileName + " contains no Techne tag");
            NodeList nodeListModel = document.getElementsByTagName("Model");
            if (nodeListModel.getLength() < 1)
                throw new ModelFormatException("Model " + fileName + " contains no Model tag");
            NamedNodeMap modelAttributes = nodeListModel.item(0).getAttributes();
            if (modelAttributes == null)
                throw new ModelFormatException("Model " + fileName + " contains a Model tag with no attributes");
            Node modelTexture = modelAttributes.getNamedItem("texture");
            if (modelTexture != null)
                texture = modelTexture.getTextContent();

            NodeList textureDim = document.getElementsByTagName("TextureSize");
            if (textureDim.getLength() > 0)
                    String[] tmp = textureDim.item(0).getTextContent().split(",");
                    if (tmp.length == 2)
                        this.textureDims = new Dimension(Integer.parseInt(tmp[0]), Integer.parseInt(tmp[1]));
                catch (NumberFormatException e)
                    throw new ModelFormatException("Model " + fileName + " contains a TextureSize tag with invalid data");
            NodeList shapes = document.getElementsByTagName("Shape");
            for (int i = 0; i < shapes.getLength(); i++)
                Node shape = shapes.item(i);
                NamedNodeMap shapeAttributes = shape.getAttributes();
                if (shapeAttributes == null)
                    throw new ModelFormatException("Shape #" + (i + 1) + " in " + fileName + " has no attributes");
                Node name = shapeAttributes.getNamedItem("name");
                String shapeName = null;
                if (name != null)
                    shapeName = name.getNodeValue();
                if (shapeName == null)
                    shapeName = "Shape #" + (i + 1);
                String shapeType = null;
                Node type = shapeAttributes.getNamedItem("type");
                if (type != null)
                    shapeType = type.getNodeValue();
                if (shapeType != null && !cubeTypes.contains(shapeType))
                    FMLLog.warning("Model shape [" + shapeName + "] in " + fileName + " is not a cube, ignoring");
                    boolean mirrored = false;
                    String[] offset = new String[3];
                    String[] position = new String[3];
                    String[] rotation = new String[3];
                    String[] size = new String[3];
                    String[] textureOffset = new String[2];
                    NodeList shapeChildren = shape.getChildNodes();
                    for (int j = 0; j < shapeChildren.getLength(); j++)
                        Node shapeChild = shapeChildren.item(j);
                        String shapeChildName = shapeChild.getNodeName();
                        String shapeChildValue = shapeChild.getTextContent();
                        if (shapeChildValue != null)
                            shapeChildValue = shapeChildValue.trim();
                            if (shapeChildName.equals("IsMirrored"))
                                mirrored = !shapeChildValue.equals("False");
                            else if (shapeChildName.equals("Offset"))
                                offset = shapeChildValue.split(",");
                            else if (shapeChildName.equals("Position"))
                                position = shapeChildValue.split(",");
                            else if (shapeChildName.equals("Rotation"))
                                rotation = shapeChildValue.split(",");
                            else if (shapeChildName.equals("Size"))
                                size = shapeChildValue.split(",");
                            else if (shapeChildName.equals("TextureOffset"))
                                textureOffset = shapeChildValue.split(",");
                    // That's what the ModelBase subclassing is needed for
                    ModelRenderer cube = new ModelRenderer(this, Integer.parseInt(textureOffset[0]), Integer.parseInt(textureOffset[1]));
                    cube.mirror = mirrored;
                    cube.addBox(Float.parseFloat(offset[0]), Float.parseFloat(offset[1]), Float.parseFloat(offset[2]), Integer.parseInt(size[0]), Integer.parseInt(size[1]), Integer.parseInt(size[2]));
                    cube.setRotationPoint(Float.parseFloat(position[0]), Float.parseFloat(position[1]) - 23.4F, Float.parseFloat(position[2]));

                    cube.rotateAngleX = (float)Math.toRadians(Float.parseFloat(rotation[0]));
                    cube.rotateAngleY = (float)Math.toRadians(Float.parseFloat(rotation[1]));
                    cube.rotateAngleZ = (float)Math.toRadians(Float.parseFloat(rotation[2]));

                    if (this.textureDims != null)
                        cube.setTextureSize((int)textureDims.getWidth(), (int)textureDims.getHeight());

                    parts.put(shapeName, cube);
                catch (NumberFormatException e)
                    FMLLog.warning("Model shape [" + shapeName + "] in " + fileName + " contains malformed integers within its data, ignoring");
        catch (ZipException e)
            throw new ModelFormatException("Model " + fileName + " is not a valid zip file");
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new ModelFormatException("Model " + fileName + " could not be read", e);
        catch (ParserConfigurationException e)
            // hush
        catch (SAXException e)
            throw new ModelFormatException("Model " + fileName + " contains invalid XML", e);
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Examples of net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException

            IResource res = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getResource(resource);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new ModelFormatException("IO Exception reading model format", e);
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Examples of net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException

        catch (IOException e)
            throw new ModelFormatException("IO Exception reading model format", e);
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Examples of net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException

                    return new Vertex(Float.parseFloat(tokens[0]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[1]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[2]));
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
                throw new ModelFormatException(String.format("Number formatting error at line %d",lineCount), e);
            throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format");

        return vertex;
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Examples of net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException

                if (tokens.length == 3)
                    return new Vertex(Float.parseFloat(tokens[0]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[1]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[2]));
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
                throw new ModelFormatException(String.format("Number formatting error at line %d",lineCount), e);
            throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format");

        return vertexNormal;
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Examples of net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException

                else if (tokens.length == 3)
                    return new TextureCoordinate(Float.parseFloat(tokens[0]), 1 - Float.parseFloat(tokens[1]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[2]));
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
                throw new ModelFormatException(String.format("Number formatting error at line %d",lineCount), e);
            throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format");

        return textureCoordinate;
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Examples of net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException

                    currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode = GL11.GL_TRIANGLES;
                else if (currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode != GL11.GL_TRIANGLES)
                    throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Invalid number of points for face (expected 4, found " + tokens.length + ")");
            else if (tokens.length == 4)
                if (currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode == -1)
                    currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode = GL11.GL_QUADS;
                else if (currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode != GL11.GL_QUADS)
                    throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Invalid number of points for face (expected 3, found " + tokens.length + ")");

            // f v1/vt1/vn1 v2/vt2/vn2 v3/vt3/vn3 ...
            if (isValidFace_V_VT_VN_Line(line))
                face.vertices = new Vertex[tokens.length];
                face.textureCoordinates = new TextureCoordinate[tokens.length];
                face.vertexNormals = new Vertex[tokens.length];

                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i)
                    subTokens = tokens[i].split("/");

                    face.vertices[i] = vertices.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[0]) - 1);
                    face.textureCoordinates[i] = textureCoordinates.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[1]) - 1);
                    face.vertexNormals[i] = vertexNormals.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[2]) - 1);

                face.faceNormal = face.calculateFaceNormal();
            // f v1/vt1 v2/vt2 v3/vt3 ...
            else if (isValidFace_V_VT_Line(line))
                face.vertices = new Vertex[tokens.length];
                face.textureCoordinates = new TextureCoordinate[tokens.length];

                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i)
                    subTokens = tokens[i].split("/");

                    face.vertices[i] = vertices.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[0]) - 1);
                    face.textureCoordinates[i] = textureCoordinates.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[1]) - 1);

                face.faceNormal = face.calculateFaceNormal();
            // f v1//vn1 v2//vn2 v3//vn3 ...
            else if (isValidFace_V_VN_Line(line))
                face.vertices = new Vertex[tokens.length];
                face.vertexNormals = new Vertex[tokens.length];

                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i)
                    subTokens = tokens[i].split("//");

                    face.vertices[i] = vertices.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[0]) - 1);
                    face.vertexNormals[i] = vertexNormals.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[1]) - 1);

                face.faceNormal = face.calculateFaceNormal();
            // f v1 v2 v3 ...
            else if (isValidFace_V_Line(line))
                face.vertices = new Vertex[tokens.length];

                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i)
                    face.vertices[i] = vertices.get(Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]) - 1);

                face.faceNormal = face.calculateFaceNormal();
                throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format");
            throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format");

        return face;
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Examples of net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException

                group = new GroupObject(trimmedLine);
            throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format");

        return group;
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