An RDF model is a set of Statements. Methods are provided for creating resources, properties and literals and the Statements which link them, for adding statements to and removing them from a model, for querying a model and set operations for combining models.
Models may create Resources [URI nodes and bnodes]. Creating a Resource does not make the Resource visible to the model; Resources are only "in" Models if Statements about them are added to the Model. Similarly the only way to "remove" a Resource from a Model is to remove all the Statements that mention it.
When a Resource or Literal is created by a Model, the Model is free to re-use an existing Resource or Literal object with the correct values, or it may create a fresh one. [All Jena RDFNodes and Statements are immutable, so this is generally safe.]
This interface defines a set of primitive methods. A set of convenience methods which extends this interface, e.g. performing automatic type conversions and support for enhanced resources, is defined in {@link ModelCon}.
System Properties
Firewalls and Proxies
Some of the methods, e.g. the read methods, may have to traverse a firewall. This can be accomplished using the standard java method of setting system properties. To use a socks proxy, include on the java command line:
The relevance json has two parts, one is the model part, another is the values part. Model part should be relatively static. The values part provides the input required by the static model. Each request may have different values part, but may probably use the same model. Inside the model part, we define 4 items:
variables — User provided variable, the variable name and type are defined here, but the actual values has to be filled outside the model part, but in the values part.
facets — Define what facet/column will be used in the relevance model. It automatically defined the variable name the same as the facet name.
function_params — Define which parameters will be used in the function. All the parameters listed here have to be defined either in the variables part, or the facets part.
function — The real function body. Java code here. It must have a return type, and return a float value. No malicious class can be used, a custom class loader will prevent it from being loaded if it is not in the white class list.
The model is used to represent the entire Web Service. The JAX-WS ProcessorActions can process this Model to generate Java artifacts such as the service interface.
@author WS Development Team
Root of the object model that represents the code that needs to be generated.
A {@link Model} is a schema language neutral representation of theresult of a scehma parsing. The back-end then works against this model to turn this into a series of Java source code.
@author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
The model is used to represent the entire Web Service. The JAX-WS ProcessorActions can process this Model to generate Java artifacts such as the service interface.
@author WS Development Team
Root of the object model that represents the code that needs to be generated.
A {@link Model} is a schema language neutral representation of theresult of a scehma parsing. The back-end then works against this model to turn this into a series of Java source code.
@author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
A 'Model' is the basic unit of application logic in Keel. Applications consist of a number of models and their associated support objects. A model is a very simple interface - only one method is required, and the implementation of that method is left entirely up to the model object itself. Models work closely in conjunction with ModelRequests, so see the detailed information in the ModelRequest class as well.
A 3D object described in a COLLADA file (referenced in the tag). COLLADA files have a .dae file extension. Models are created in their own coordinate space and then located, positioned, and scaled in Google Earth. See the "Topics in KML" page on Regions for more detail.
Google Earth supports only triangles and lines as primitive types. The maximum number of triangles allowed is 21845. Google Earth does not support animation or skinning. Google Earth does not support external geometry references.
Google Earth supports the COLLADA common profile, with the following exceptions:
A model has a mesh, matrial, shader, world xyz-coordinates (position, rotation, scale). Each unique 3d-model in the game world is one Model.
@author simokr
Models are generic data structures that notify listeners when changed. The structure allows a form of 'introspection' as all property names and values can be queried and retrieved at runtime.
Model objects implement the IsSerializable and can therefore be used with GWT RPC. A model's children are not marked transient and will be passed in remote procedure calls.
A Model instance is an extended JComponent that modelizes an Animation-model to implement a skeleton of threaded "picks-n-pops". Linked to String Animation's can then be picked from the cache to get drawn on screen whenever it is needed. All memory allocations are managed by the SpritesCacheManager class and can be easily serialized to an output stream and recovered at their initial state. The Model class also integrates a small attributes Map that can be configured with several String<>Serializable mappings. The Model class also provides full support to DataFlavor and hence external inputs are permitted.
This class is a wrapper around a user-supplied EFSM model. It uses reflection to find all the actions and guards of the model. It allows a tester class (see {@link Tester} and its subclasses)to check the guards, call the actions and keep track of the current state. It also provides a general listener facility that can be used to print progress messages, record model coverage metrics etc.
To use this wrapper, you write a special EFSM class (see {@link FsmModel}) that models part of the behaviour of your SUT, then pass an instance of that class to the constructor of this class. Then you can pass an instance of this class to one of the {@link Tester} subclasses, such as {@link RandomTester}, in order to generate/execute test sequences. However, many of those classes provide a convenience constructor that creates this Model wrapper for you.
TODO: cache the guard evaluations? This would give a small efficiency gain and would avoid calling the listeners several times for the same guard.
Represents a model that is stored in the model repository. In addition, a model can be deployed to the Activiti Engine in a separate deployment step. A model is a container for the meta data and sources of a process model that typically can be edited in a modeling environment.
@author Tijs Rademakers
@author Joram Barrez
Model is the basic implementation of an IModel. It just wraps a simple model object. The model object must be serializable, as it is stored in the session. If you have large objects to store, consider using {@link org.apache.wicket.model.LoadableDetachableModel}instead of this class.
@author Chris Turner
@author Eelco Hillenius
@param < T> The type of the Model Object
A model contains all defined types and the relationship between them. See {@link ModelBuilder#createInstance} to create a new model.
@author Daniel Meyer
Basic (executable) model class. This class implements the {@link IModel}interface, and thus can be used as base class for all executable model implementations for the framework. In contrast to other m&s software products, including the old JAMES, this model does not provide any formalism specific attributes or methods. Everything special (specific to a formalism / language) has to be realized in extra interfaces + classes. In addition to executable models the software is aware of symbolic models.
@see org.jamesii.core.model.symbolic
@author Jan Himmelspach
@author Mathias Röhl
Model container. Contains the {@link #getModelRoot() modelRoot} object instance, as wellas {@link #getModelMetadata() modelMetadata} associated with theobjects wired into the object graph routed on the {@link #getModelRoot() modelRoot}. The {@link #getModelMetadata() modelMetadata} can contain information for, among otherthings, serializing the object graph routed at {@link #getModelRoot() modelRoot}.
The Model encapsulates and manages the runtime behaviour of a Mule Server instance. It is responsible for maintaining the Service instances and their configuration.
Defines an RDF Model, and the functions to add and delete statements of all possible kinds to this model. Query functions are also provided. IMPROVE: add support for union, intersection
@author Max Voelkel
@author Benjamin Heitmann
@author Leo Sauermann
Generic OpenSocial model class. Every OpenSocial resource class, whether it models concrete (e.g. person) or abstract (e.g. AppData) concepts, extends this class. Instance methods provide an interface for getting and setting arbitrary properties (fields) of these resources.
@author Jason Cooper
JSBML implementation of SBML's {@link Model} construct.
In an SBML model definition, a single object of class {@link Model} serves asthe overall container for the lists of the various model components. All of the lists are optional, but if a given list container is present within the model, the list must not be empty; that is, it must have length one or more.
@author Andreas Dräger
@author Marine Dumousseau
@author Nicolas Rodriguez
@since 0.8
@version $Rev: 1525 $
Java-5-specific interface that defines a holder for model attributes. Primarily designed for adding attributes to the model. Allows for accessing the overall model as a java.util.Map.
@author Juergen Hoeller
@since 2.5.1
The central and most important interface of the Model API. A Model "wraps" a {@link org.switchyard.config.Configuration Configuration}.
@author David Ward <> (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc.
This interface encapsulates all the common functionality between standard IR models (including DFR models, TF/IDF, BM25 etc), and Language Modelling models (Terrier includes PonteCroft Language Modelling model).
@see org.terrier.matching.models.WeightingModel
@author Craig Macdonald
This is the base abstract class to extend your domain classes. It's strongly recommended to implement the static method "all". Example: For example: public static Query<YourClass> all() { return Model.all(YourClass.class); }
@author gimenete
@author mandubian
A Model models reality (hopefully). A model can be used to 'score' a row (make a prediction), or a collection of rows on any compatible dataset - meaning the row has all the columns with the same names as used to build the mode and any enum (categorical) columns can be adapted.
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