Examples of MMType

Examples of org.mmtk.utility.scan.MMType



    public void notifyClassResolved(VmType< ? > vmType) {
        final MMType type;
        final boolean acyclic = false; // TODO understand me
        if (vmType.isArray()) {
            final VmArrayClass< ? > arrType = (VmArrayClass< ? >) vmType;
            type = new MMType(false, !arrType.isPrimitiveArray(), acyclic,
                    pickAllocatorForType(vmType), EMPY_INT_ARRAY);
        } else if (!vmType.isInterface()) {
            final VmNormalClass< ? > clsType = (VmNormalClass< ? >) vmType;
            type = new MMType(false, false, acyclic,
                    pickAllocatorForType(vmType), clsType.getReferenceOffsets());
        } else {
            type = null;
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Examples of org.mmtk.utility.scan.MMType

                    //System.out.println("wjw org.apache.HarmonyDRLVM.mm.mmtk.ObjectModel.getObjectType() was called " + obj);
      boolean isDelegated = false//scanning is *not* delegated to the VM
      Class clsObj = object.getClass();
      MMType mmtc = getObjTypeLookup(clsObj);
      if (mmtc != null) return mmtc;

      boolean isArr = clsObj.isArray();
      boolean isRefArray = false;
      if (isArr)
          String clsName = clsObj.toString();
          //System.out.println("getObjectType() 3:" + clsName  + "_6:" + clsName.charAt(6) +
          //    "_7:" + clsName.charAt(7) );
          VM.assertions._assert(clsName.charAt(6) == '[');
          if (clsName.charAt(7) == '[') isRefArray = true;
          if (clsName.charAt(7) == 'L') isRefArray = true;
      boolean isAcyclic = false//wjw -- I don't have a clue what this is...

      Space spx = Space.getSpaceForObject(object);
      MutatorContext mc = SelectedPlan.ap.mutator();
      Allocator alc = mc.getAllocatorFromSpace(spx)//but alloc is an "int, not an "Allocator".  Go figure...
      int [] offs = new int [0];
      if (isArr == false)   //build the correct offset table
              ObjectReference or = ObjectReference.fromObject(object);
              Address addr2 = or.toAddress();
              int vtblPtr = addr2.loadInt();
              Address addrVPtr = Address.fromInt(vtblPtr);
              int vPtr = addrVPtr.loadInt();
              //System.out.println("AddrVptr = " + Integer.toHexString(addrVPtr.toInt()) );
              //System.out.println("vPtr = " + Integer.toHexString(vPtr) );
              Address addrVPtr_0 = Address.fromInt(vPtr);
              int vPtr_0 = addrVPtr_0.loadInt();
              //System.out.println("vPtr_0 = " + Integer.toHexString(vPtr_0) );
              int vPtr_2c = addrVPtr_0.plus(0x2c).loadInt();
              //System.out.println("vPtr_2c = " + Integer.toHexString(vPtr_2c) );
              Address addrElementZero = Address.fromInt(vPtr_2c);
              int xx = 0;
              for (xx = 0; xx < 12; xx++ )
                  int element = addrElementZero.plus(xx*4).loadInt();
                  //System.out.println("element [" + xx + "] = " + element );
                  if (element == 0) break;
              if (xx > 10) VM.assertions._assert(false); // we ran off in the woods
              if (xx > 0)
                  offs = new int[xx];
                  for (int yy = 0; yy < xx; yy++)
                      int element = addrElementZero.plus(yy*4).loadInt();
                      offs[yy] = element;           
                  for (int rr = 0; rr < offs.length; rr++)
                      //System.out.println("offs[" + rr + "] = " + offs[rr] );
      //System.out.println("offs length = " + offs.length + " isRefArray = " + isRefArray);
      MMType mmt = new MMType(isDelegated, isRefArray, isAcyclic, Plan.ALLOC_DEFAULT, offs);
      getObjectTypeCacheInsert(clsObj, mmt);
      return mmt;
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