This implementation of a MKCOL client method does not support a a request body, and the newly created web collection should therefore have no members.
MKCOL creates a new collection resource at the location specified by the Request-URI. If the resource identified by the Request-URI already exists on the server then the MKCOL will fail. During MKCOL processing, a server will make the Request-URI a member of the URI's parent collection (unless the Request-URI is "/"). If no parent collection exists, the method will fail. Thus, for example, if a request to create collection /a/b/c/d/
is made, and neither /a/b/
nor /a/b/c/
exists, the request will fail.
MKCOL is not idempotent (that is to say, each MKCOL request should be handled by the web server, and the results of a MKCOL request should not be cached).
MKCOL /webdisc/xfiles/ HTTP/1.1 Host:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created@author Remy Maucherat