Examples of Minefield

Examples of megamek.common.Minefield

        Enumeration<Coords> mineLoc = game.getMinedCoords();
        while(mineLoc.hasMoreElements()) {
            Coords c = mineLoc.nextElement();
            Enumeration<Minefield> minefields = game.getMinefields(c).elements();
            while (minefields.hasMoreElements()) {
                Minefield minefield = minefields.nextElement();
                if(minefield.hasDetonated()) {
                    Enumeration<Minefield> otherMines = game.getMinefields(c).elements();
                    while (otherMines.hasMoreElements()) {
                        Minefield otherMine = otherMines.nextElement();
                        if(otherMine.equals(minefield)) {
                        int bonus = 0;
                        if(otherMine.getDensity() > minefield.getDensity()) {
                            bonus = 1;
                        if(otherMine.getDensity() < minefield.getDensity()) {
                            bonus = -1;
                        otherMine.checkReduction(bonus, false);
            //cycle through a second time to see if any mines at these coords need to be removed
            ArrayList<Minefield> mfRemoved = new ArrayList<Minefield>();
            Enumeration<Minefield> mines = game.getMinefields(c).elements();
            while (mines.hasMoreElements()) {
                Minefield mine = mines.nextElement();
                if(mine.getDensity() < 5) {
            //we have to do it this way to avoid a concurrent error problem
            for(Minefield mf : mfRemoved) {
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Examples of megamek.common.Minefield

    private void clearDetonatedMines(Coords c, int target) {

        Enumeration<Minefield> minefields = game.getMinefields(c).elements();
        ArrayList<Minefield> mfRemoved = new ArrayList<Minefield>();
        while (minefields.hasMoreElements()) {
            Minefield minefield = minefields.nextElement();
            if(minefield.hasDetonated() && (Compute.d6(2) >= target)) {
        //we have to do it this way to avoid a concurrent error problem
        for(Minefield mf : mfRemoved) {
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Examples of megamek.common.Minefield

        int mass = (int) entity.getWeight();

        Enumeration<Minefield> e = game.getVibrabombs().elements();

        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            Minefield mf = e.nextElement();

            // Bug 954272: Mines shouldn't work underwater, and BMRr says
            // Vibrabombs are mines
            if (game.getBoard().getHex(mf.getCoords()).containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER) && !game.getBoard().getHex(mf.getCoords()).containsTerrain(Terrains.PAVEMENT) && !game.getBoard().getHex(mf.getCoords()).containsTerrain(Terrains.ICE)) {

            // Mech weighing 10 tons or less can't set off the bomb
            if (mass <= mf.getSetting() - 10) {

            int effectiveDistance = (mass - mf.getSetting()) / 10;
            int actualDistance = coords.distance(mf.getCoords());

            if (actualDistance <= effectiveDistance) {
                Report r = new Report(2156);
                r.subject = entity.getId();
                r.add(entity.getShortName(), true);
                r.add(mf.getCoords().getBoardNum(), true);
                explodeVibrabomb(mf, vMineReport, false);

            // Hack; when moving, the Mech isn't in the hex during
            // the movement.
            if (!displaced && (actualDistance == 0)) {
                // report getting hit by vibrabomb
                Report r = new Report(2160);
                r.subject = entity.getId();
                r.add(entity.getShortName(), true);
                int damage = mf.getDensity();
                while(damage > 0) {
                    int cur_damage = Math.min(5, damage);
                    damage = damage - cur_damage;
                    HitData hit = entity.rollHitLocation(Minefield.TO_HIT_TABLE, Minefield.TO_HIT_SIDE);
                    vMineReport.addAll(damageEntity(entity, hit, cur_damage));
                vMineReport.addAll(resolvePilotingRolls(entity, true, lastPos, curPos));
                // we need to apply Damage now, in case the entity lost a leg,
                // otherwise it won't get a leg missing mod if it hasn't yet
                // moved and lost a leg, see bug 1071434 for an example

            //don't check for reduction until the end or units in the same hex through
            //movement will get the reduced damage
            if(mf.hasDetonated()) {
                boom = true;
                mf.checkReduction(0, true);

        return boom;
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Examples of megamek.common.Minefield

     * @param minefields
    private void processDeployMinefields(Vector<Minefield> minefields) {
        int playerId = Player.PLAYER_NONE;
        for (int i = 0; i < minefields.size(); i++) {
            Minefield mf = minefields.elementAt(i);
            playerId = mf.getPlayerId();

            if (mf.getType() == Minefield.TYPE_VIBRABOMB) {

        Player player = game.getPlayer(playerId);
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Examples of megamek.common.Minefield

            Coords coords = target.getPosition();

            Enumeration<Minefield> minefields = game.getMinefields(coords).elements();
            ArrayList<Minefield> mfRemoved = new ArrayList<Minefield>();
            while (minefields.hasMoreElements()) {
                Minefield mf = minefields.nextElement();
                if(server.clearMinefield(mf, ae, Minefield.CLEAR_NUMBER_WEAPON, vPhaseReport)) {
            //we have to do it this way to avoid a concurrent error problem
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Examples of megamek.common.Minefield

                            .getString("MovementDisplay.ChooseMinefieldDialog.title"), //$NON-NLS-1$
            Minefield mf = null;
            if (choiceDialog.getAnswer() == true) {
                mf = mfs.elementAt(choiceDialog.getChoice());

            if ((null != mf)
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Examples of megamek.common.Minefield

                choices[loop] = Minefield.getDisplayableName(mfs.elementAt(loop).getType());
            SingleChoiceDialog choiceDialog = new SingleChoiceDialog(clientgui.frame, Messages.getString("MovementDisplay.ChooseMinefieldDialog.title"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    Messages.getString("MovementDisplay.ChooseMinefieldDialog.message"), choices);
            Minefield mf = null;
            if (choiceDialog.getAnswer() == true) {
                mf = mfs.elementAt(choiceDialog.getChoice());

            if ((null != mf) && clientgui.doYesNoDialog(Messages.getString("MovementDisplay.ClearMinefieldDialog.title"), //$NON-NLS-1$
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Examples of megamek.common.Minefield

            Coords coords = target.getPosition();

            Enumeration<Minefield> minefields = game.getMinefields(coords).elements();
            ArrayList<Minefield> mfRemoved = new ArrayList<Minefield>();
            while (minefields.hasMoreElements()) {
                Minefield mf = minefields.nextElement();
                if(server.clearMinefield(mf, ae, Minefield.CLEAR_NUMBER_WEAPON, vPhaseReport)) {
            //we have to do it this way to avoid a concurrent error problem
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Examples of megamek.common.Minefield

                if (!game.containsMinefield(c)) {

                Minefield mf = game.getMinefields(c).get(0);

                Image tmpImage = tileManager.getMinefieldSign();
                g.drawImage(tmpImage, p.x + (int) (13 * scale), p.y + (int) (13 * scale), this);

                int nbrMfs = game.getNbrMinefields(c);
                if (nbrMfs > 1) {
                    drawCenteredString(Messages.getString("BoardView1.Multiple"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                            p.x, p.y + (int) (51 * scale), font_minefield, g);
                } else if (nbrMfs == 1) {
                    switch (mf.getType()) {
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_CONVENTIONAL):
                        drawCenteredString(Messages.getString("BoardView1.Conventional"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                                p.x, p.y + (int) (51 * scale), font_minefield, g);
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_INFERNO):
                                Messages.getString("BoardView1.Inferno") + mf.getDensity() + ")", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                p.x, p.y + (int) (51 * scale), font_minefield, g);
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_ACTIVE):
                                Messages.getString("BoardView1.Active") + mf.getDensity() + ")", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                p.x, p.y + (int) (51 * scale), font_minefield, g);
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_COMMAND_DETONATED):
                        drawCenteredString(Messages.getString("BoardView1.Command-"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                                p.x, p.y + (int) (51 * scale), font_minefield, g);
                        drawCenteredString(Messages.getString("BoardView1.detonated"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                                p.x, p.y + (int) (60 * scale), font_minefield, g);
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_VIBRABOMB):
                        drawCenteredString(Messages.getString("BoardView1.Vibrabomb"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                                p.x, p.y + (int) (51 * scale), font_minefield, g);
                        if (mf.getPlayerId() == localPlayer.getId()) {
                            drawCenteredString("(" + mf.getSetting() + ")", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                    p.x, p.y + (int) (60 * scale), font_minefield, g);
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Examples of megamek.common.Minefield


            if (game.containsMinefield(mcoords)) {
                Vector<Minefield> minefields = game.getMinefields(mcoords);
                for (int i = 0; i < minefields.size(); i++) {
                    Minefield mf = minefields.elementAt(i);
                    String owner = " (" + game.getPlayer(mf.getPlayerId()).getName() + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

                    switch (mf.getType()) {
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_CONVENTIONAL):
                        strings[stringsIndex] = mf.getName()
                                + Messages.getString("BoardView1.minefield") + "(" + mf.getDensity() + ")" + " " + owner; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_COMMAND_DETONATED):
                        strings[stringsIndex] = mf.getName()
                                + Messages.getString("BoardView1.minefield") + "(" + mf.getDensity() + ")" + " " + owner; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_VIBRABOMB):
                        if (mf.getPlayerId() == localPlayer.getId()) {
                            strings[stringsIndex] = mf.getName()
                                    + Messages.getString("BoardView1.minefield") + "(" + mf.getDensity() + ")" + "(" + mf.getSetting() + ") " + owner; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
                        } else {
                            strings[stringsIndex] = mf.getName()
                                    + Messages.getString("BoardView1.minefield") + "(" + mf.getDensity() + ")" + " " + owner; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_ACTIVE):
                        strings[stringsIndex] = mf.getName()
                                + Messages.getString("BoardView1.minefield") + "(" + mf.getDensity() + ")" + owner; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
                    case (Minefield.TYPE_INFERNO):
                        strings[stringsIndex] = mf.getName()
                                + Messages.getString("BoardView1.minefield") + "(" + mf.getDensity() + ")" + owner; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
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