Examples of MIMETypedStream

Examples of org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream

            transformer.transform(new StreamSource(in), new StreamResult(out));

            byte [] bytes = out.toByteArray();
            in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
            return new MIMETypedStream("text/html", in, null, bytes.length);
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            throw new DisseminationException("[DefaultDisseminatorImpl] had an error "
                    + "in transforming xml for viewItemIndex. "
                    + "Underlying exception was: " + e.getMessage());
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Examples of org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream

            transformer.setParameter("fedora", context
            transformer.transform(new StreamSource(in), new StreamResult(out));
            byte[] bytes = out.toByteArray();
            in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
            return new MIMETypedStream("text/html", in, null,bytes.length);
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            throw new DisseminationException("[DefaultDisseminatorImpl] had an error "
                    + "in transforming xml for viewDublinCore. "
                    + "Underlying exception was: " + e.getMessage());
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Examples of org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream

                    + "\"  . The "
                    + "Reason was \""
                    + uee.getMessage()
                    + "\"  .");
        return new MIMETypedStream("text/html", in, null,in.available());
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Examples of org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream

    private  final String getFilenameFromRels(Context context, String pid, String dsid, String MIMETYPE) throws Exception {
        String filename = "";

        // read rels directly from RELS-INT - can't use Management.getRelationships as this requires auth
        MIMETypedStream relsInt;
        try {
            relsInt = m_apiAService.getDatastreamDissemination(context, pid, "RELS-INT", null);
        } catch (DatastreamNotFoundException e) {
            return ""; // no RELS-INT - so no filename
        Set<RelationshipTuple> relsIntTuples = RDFRelationshipReader.readRelationships(relsInt.getStream());

        // find the tuple specifying the filename
        int matchingTuples = 0;
        for ( RelationshipTuple tuple : relsIntTuples ) {
            if (tuple.subject.equals(Constants.FEDORA.uri + pid + "/" + dsid) && tuple.predicate.equals(FILENAME_REL)) {
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Examples of org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream

            if (controlGroup.equals("X")) {
                ds = new DatastreamXMLMetadata();
                ds.DSInfoType = ""; // field is now deprecated
                try {
                    InputStream in;
                    MIMETypedStream mimeTypedStream = null;
                    if (dsLocation.startsWith(DatastreamManagedContent.UPLOADED_SCHEME)) {
                        in = getTempStream(dsLocation);
                    } else {
                        ContentManagerParams params = new ContentManagerParams(dsLocation);
                        mimeTypedStream = m_contentManager.getExternalContent(params);
                        in = mimeTypedStream.getStream();
                    // set and validate the content
                    DatastreamXMLMetadata dsm = (DatastreamXMLMetadata) ds;
                    dsm.xmlContent = getEmbeddableXML(in);
                    dsm.DSSize = dsm.xmlContent.length;
                    if (mimeTypedStream != null) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String extraInfo;
                    if (e.getMessage() == null) {
                        extraInfo = "";
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Examples of org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream


                    // add the content stream
                    MIMETypedStream content = new MIMETypedStream(null, new ByteArrayInputStream(byteContent), null, byteContent.length);

                    // checksum only needs recalc if we added a header
                    // note getChecksum() caters for checksum type set to disabled
                    if (addXMLHeader) {
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Examples of org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream

                                    pid + "+" + dmc.DatastreamID + "+" +
                            // if it's a url, we need to grab content for this
                            // version
                            if (URL_PROTOCOL.matcher(dmc.DSLocation).matches()) {
                                MIMETypedStream mimeTypedStream;
                                if (dmc.DSLocation
                                        .startsWith(DatastreamManagedContent.UPLOADED_SCHEME)) {
                                    mimeTypedStream =
                                            new MIMETypedStream(
                                                    null, dmc.DSSize);
                                    logger.info("Getting managed datastream from internal uploaded " +
                                            "location: " +
                                            dmc.DSLocation +
                                            " for " + pid);
                                } else if (dmc.DSLocation
                                        .startsWith(DatastreamManagedContent.COPY_SCHEME)) {
                                    // make a copy of the pre-existing content
                                    mimeTypedStream =
                                            new MIMETypedStream(
                                                    null, dmc.DSSize);
                                } else if (dmc.DSLocation
                                        .startsWith(DatastreamManagedContent.TEMP_SCHEME)) {
                                    File file =
                                            new File(dmc.DSLocation
                                    logger.info("Getting base64 decoded datastream spooled from archive for datastream " +
                                            dsID + " (" + pid + ")");
                                    try {
                                        InputStream str =
                                                new FileInputStream(file);
                                        mimeTypedStream =
                                                new MIMETypedStream(dmc.DSMIME,
                                                        str, null, file
                                    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
                                                "Unable to read temp file created for datastream from archive for " +
                                                        pid + " / " + dsID,
                                        throw new StreamIOException(
                                                "Error reading from temporary file created for binary content for " +
                                                        pid + " / " + dsID);
                                } else {
                                    ContentManagerParams params =
                                            new ContentManagerParams(
                                                    dmc.DSMIME, null, null);
                                    mimeTypedStream =
                                    logger.info("Getting managed datastream from remote location: " +
                                            dmc.DSLocation +
                                            " (" +
                                            pid +
                                            " / " + dsID + ")");
                                Map<String, String> dsHints =
                                                        obj, dmc.DatastreamID);
                                if (obj.isNew()) {
                                    dmc.DSSize =
                                                    internalId, mimeTypedStream
                                } else {
                                    // object already existed...so we may need
                                    // to call
                                    // replace if "add" indicates that it was
                                    // already there
                                    try {
                                        dmc.DSSize =
                                    } catch (ObjectAlreadyInLowlevelStorageException oailse) {
                                        dmc.DSSize =
                                if (mimeTypedStream != null) {
                                    if (dmc.DSLocation
                                            .startsWith(DatastreamManagedContent.TEMP_SCHEME)) {
                                        // delete the temp file created to store
                                        // the binary content from archive
                                        File file =
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Examples of org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream

            Property[] headerArray =
            if (mimeType == null || mimeType.equals("")) {
                mimeType = DEFAULT_MIMETYPE;
            return new MIMETypedStream(mimeType, response, headerArray, length);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Error getting " + url, e);
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Examples of org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream

            // if mimeType was not given, try to determine it automatically
            if (mimeType == null || mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("")){
                mimeType = determineMimeType(cFile);
            return new MIMETypedStream(mimeType,fileUrl.openStream(),null,cFile.length());
        catch(AuthzException ae){
            throw new HttpServiceNotFoundException("Policy blocked datastream resolution",ae);
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Examples of org.fcrepo.server.types.gen.MIMETypedStream

    public static void getDatastreamDissemination() throws Exception {
        // test for DC datastream
        MIMETypedStream ds = null;
        ds = APIA.getDatastreamDissemination("demo:11", "DC", null);
        System.out.println("SOAP Request: getDatastreamDissemination for DC datastream of demo object demo:11...");       
        String dsXML = new String(ds.getStream(), "UTF-8");
        System.out.println("SOAP Response: GetDatastreamDissemination Object:demo:11 Datastream:DC succeeded.");
        System.out.println("SOAP Response: DC datastream contents: \n"+dsXML);
        // test for type X datastream        
        ds = APIA.getDatastreamDissemination("demo:11", "TECH1", null);
        System.out.println("\nSOAP Request: getDatastreamDissemination for TECH1 datastream of demo object demo:11...");       
        dsXML = new String(ds.getStream(), "UTF-8");
        System.out.println("SOAP Response: GetDatastreamDissemination Object:demo:11 Datastream:TECH1 succeeded.");
        System.out.println("SOAP Response: TECH1 datastream contents: \n"+dsXML);       

        // test for type E datastream            
        ds = APIA.getDatastreamDissemination("demo:11", "MRSID", null);   
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