
Examples of


    public synchronized void deleteTFoot()
        Node    old;
        old = getTFoot();
        if ( old != null )
            removeChild ( old );
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    void insertRowX( int index, HTMLTableRowElementImpl newRow )
        Node    child;
        Node    lastSection = null;
        child = getFirstChild();
        while ( child != null )
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableRowElement )
                if ( index == 0 )
                    insertBefore( newRow, child );
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableSectionElementImpl )
                lastSection = child;
                index = ( (HTMLTableSectionElementImpl) child ).insertRowX( index, newRow );
                if ( index < 0 )
            child = child.getNextSibling();
        if ( lastSection != null )
            lastSection.appendChild( newRow );
            appendChild( newRow );
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    public synchronized void deleteRow( int index )
        Node    child;
        child = getFirstChild();
        while ( child != null )
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableRowElement )
                if ( index == 0 )
                    removeChild ( child );
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableSectionElementImpl )
                index = ( (HTMLTableSectionElementImpl) child ).deleteRowX( index );
                if ( index < 0 )
            child = child.getNextSibling();
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                        // remove user data from old node
                        Hashtable data = removeUserDataTable(at);
                        // move children to new node
                        Node child = at.getFirstChild();
                        while (child != null) {
                            child = at.getFirstChild();
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        // remove user data from old node
        Hashtable data = removeUserDataTable(el);
        // remove old node from parent if any
        Node parent = el.getParentNode();
        Node nextSib = el.getNextSibling();
        if (parent != null) {
        // move children to new node
        Node child = el.getFirstChild();
        while (child != null) {
            child = el.getFirstChild();
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     * reversedIdentifiers is null, the parameter is not applied.
    private Node importNode(Node source, boolean deep, boolean cloningDoc,
    HashMap reversedIdentifiers)
    throws DOMException {
        Node newnode=null;
    Hashtable userData = null;

        // Sigh. This doesn't work; too many nodes have private data that
        // would have to be manually tweaked. May be able to add local
        // shortcuts to each nodetype. Consider ?????
        // if(source instanceof NodeImpl &&
        //  !(source instanceof DocumentImpl))
        // {
        //  // Can't clone DocumentImpl since it invokes us...
        //  newnode=(NodeImpl)source.cloneNode(false);
        //  newnode.ownerDocument=this;
        // }
        // else
    if(source instanceof NodeImpl)
      userData = ((NodeImpl)source).getUserDataRecord();
        int type = source.getNodeType();
        switch (type) {
            case ELEMENT_NODE: {
                Element newElement;
                boolean domLevel20 = source.getOwnerDocument().getImplementation().hasFeature("XML", "2.0");
                // Create element according to namespace support/qualification.
                if(domLevel20 == false || source.getLocalName() == null)
                    newElement = createElement(source.getNodeName());
                    newElement = createElementNS(source.getNamespaceURI(),

                // Copy element's attributes, if any.
                NamedNodeMap sourceAttrs = source.getAttributes();
                if (sourceAttrs != null) {
                    int length = sourceAttrs.getLength();
                    for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
                        Attr attr = (Attr)sourceAttrs.item(index);

                        // NOTE: this methods is used for both importingNode
                        // and cloning the document node. In case of the
                        // clonning default attributes should be copied.
                        // But for importNode defaults should be ignored.
                        if (attr.getSpecified() || cloningDoc) {
                            Attr newAttr = (Attr)importNode(attr, true, cloningDoc,

                            // Attach attribute according to namespace
                            // support/qualification.
                            if (domLevel20 == false ||
                            attr.getLocalName() == null)

                // Register element identifier.
                if (reversedIdentifiers != null) {
                    // Does element have an associated identifier?
                    Object elementId = reversedIdentifiers.get(source);
                    if (elementId != null) {
                        if (identifiers == null)
                            identifiers = new Hashtable();

                        identifiers.put(elementId, newElement);

                newnode = newElement;

            case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: {

                if( source.getOwnerDocument().getImplementation().hasFeature("XML", "2.0") ){
                    if (source.getLocalName() == null) {
                        newnode = createAttribute(source.getNodeName());
                    } else {
                        newnode = createAttributeNS(source.getNamespaceURI(),
                else {
                    newnode = createAttribute(source.getNodeName());
                // if source is an AttrImpl from this very same implementation
                // avoid creating the child nodes if possible
                if (source instanceof AttrImpl) {
                    AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl) source;
                    if (attr.hasStringValue()) {
                        AttrImpl newattr = (AttrImpl) newnode;
                        deep = false;
                    else {
                        deep = true;
                else {
                    // According to the DOM spec the kids carry the value.
                    // However, there are non compliant implementations out
                    // there that fail to do so. To avoid ending up with no
                    // value at all, in this case we simply copy the text value
                    // directly.
                    if (source.getFirstChild() == null) {
                        deep = false;
                    } else {
                        deep = true;

            case TEXT_NODE: {
                newnode = createTextNode(source.getNodeValue());

            case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: {
                newnode = createCDATASection(source.getNodeValue());

            case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: {
                newnode = createEntityReference(source.getNodeName());
                // the subtree is created according to this doc by the method
                // above, so avoid carrying over original subtree
                deep = false;

            case ENTITY_NODE: {
                Entity srcentity = (Entity)source;
                EntityImpl newentity =
                // Kids carry additional value,
                // allow deep import temporarily
                newnode = newentity;

                newnode = createProcessingInstruction(source.getNodeName(),

            case COMMENT_NODE: {
                newnode = createComment(source.getNodeValue());

            case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: {
                // unless this is used as part of cloning a Document
                // forbid it for the sake of being compliant to the DOM spec
                if (!cloningDoc) {
                    String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.DOM_DOMAIN, "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR", null);
                    throw new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, msg);
                DocumentType srcdoctype = (DocumentType)source;
                DocumentTypeImpl newdoctype = (DocumentTypeImpl)
                // Values are on NamedNodeMaps
                NamedNodeMap smap = srcdoctype.getEntities();
                NamedNodeMap tmap = newdoctype.getEntities();
                if(smap != null) {
                    for(int i = 0; i < smap.getLength(); i++) {
                        tmap.setNamedItem(importNode(smap.item(i), true, true,
                smap = srcdoctype.getNotations();
                tmap = newdoctype.getNotations();
                if (smap != null) {
                    for(int i = 0; i < smap.getLength(); i++) {
                        tmap.setNamedItem(importNode(smap.item(i), true, true,

                // NOTE: At this time, the DOM definition of DocumentType
                // doesn't cover Elements and their Attributes. domimpl's
                // extentions in that area will not be preserved, even if
                // copying from domimpl to domimpl. We could special-case
                // that here. Arguably we should. Consider. ?????
                newnode = newdoctype;

            case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: {
                newnode = createDocumentFragment();
                // No name, kids carry value

            case NOTATION_NODE: {
                Notation srcnotation = (Notation)source;
                NotationImpl newnotation =
                // Kids carry additional value
                newnode = newnotation;
                // No name, no value
            case DOCUMENT_NODE : // Can't import document nodes
            default: {           // Unknown node type
                String msg = DOMMessageFormatter.formatMessage(DOMMessageFormatter.DOM_DOMAIN, "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR", null);
                throw new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, msg);

    if(userData != null)
      callUserDataHandlers(source, newnode, UserDataHandler.NODE_IMPORTED,userData);

        // If deep, replicate and attach the kids.
        if (deep) {
            for (Node srckid = source.getFirstChild();
            srckid != null;
            srckid = srckid.getNextSibling()) {
                newnode.appendChild(importNode(srckid, true, cloningDoc,
        if (newnode.getNodeType() == Node.ENTITY_NODE) {
            ((NodeImpl)newnode).setReadOnly(true, true);
        return newnode;

    } // importNode(Node,boolean,boolean,Hashtable):Node
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            return null;

        public String getValue(String uri, String localName){
            if (fAttributes != null) {
                Node node =  fAttributes.getNamedItemNS(uri, localName);
                return(node != null)? node.getNodeValue():null;
            return null;
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        throws IOException
        Attr         attr;
        NamedNodeMap attrMap;
        int          i;
        Node         child;
        ElementState state;
        boolean      preserveSpace;
        String       name;
        String       value;
        String       tagName;

        tagName = elem.getTagName();
        state = getElementState();
        if ( isDocumentState() ) {
            // If this is the root element handle it differently.
            // If the first root element in the document, serialize
            // the document's DOCTYPE. Space preserving defaults
            // to that of the output format.
            if ( ! _started )
                startDocument( tagName );
        } else {
            // For any other element, if first in parent, then
            // close parent's opening tag and use the parnet's
            // space preserving.
            if ( state.empty )
                _printer.printText( '>' );
            // Indent this element on a new line if the first
            // content of the parent element or immediately
            // following an element.
            if ( _indenting && ! state.preserveSpace &&
                 ( state.empty || state.afterElement ) )
        preserveSpace = state.preserveSpace;

        // Do not change the current element state yet.
        // This only happens in endElement().

        // XHTML: element names are lower case, DOM will be different
        _printer.printText( '<' );
        if ( _xhtml )
            _printer.printText( tagName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) );
            _printer.printText( tagName );

        // Lookup the element's attribute, but only print specified
        // attributes. (Unspecified attributes are derived from the DTD.
        // For each attribute print it's name and value as one part,
        // separated with a space so the element can be broken on
        // multiple lines.
        attrMap = elem.getAttributes();
        if ( attrMap != null ) {
            for ( i = 0 ; i < attrMap.getLength() ; ++i ) {
                attr = (Attr) attrMap.item( i );
                name = attr.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
                value = attr.getValue();
                if ( attr.getSpecified() ) {
                    if ( _xhtml ) {
                        // XHTML: print empty string for null values.
                        if ( value == null ) {
                            _printer.printText( name );
                            _printer.printText( "=\"\"" );
                        } else {
                            _printer.printText( name );
                            _printer.printText( "=\"" );
                            printEscaped( value );
                            _printer.printText( '"' );
                    } else {
                        // HTML: Empty values print as attribute name, no value.
                        // HTML: URI attributes will print unescaped
                        if ( value == null ) {
                            value = "";
                        if ( !_format.getPreserveEmptyAttributes() && value.length() == 0 )
                            _printer.printText( name );
                        else if ( HTMLdtd.isURI( tagName, name ) ) {
                            _printer.printText( name );
                            _printer.printText( "=\"" );
                            _printer.printText( escapeURI( value ) );
                            _printer.printText( '"' );
                        } else if ( HTMLdtd.isBoolean( tagName, name ) )
                            _printer.printText( name );
                        else {
                            _printer.printText( name );
                            _printer.printText( "=\"" );
                            printEscaped( value );
                            _printer.printText( '"' );
        if ( HTMLdtd.isPreserveSpace( tagName ) )
            preserveSpace = true;

        // If element has children, or if element is not an empty tag,
        // serialize an opening tag.
        if ( elem.hasChildNodes() || ! HTMLdtd.isEmptyTag( tagName ) ) {
            // Enter an element state, and serialize the children
            // one by one. Finally, end the element.
            state = enterElementState( null, null, tagName, preserveSpace );

            // Prevents line breaks inside A/TD
            if ( tagName.equalsIgnoreCase( "A" ) || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase( "TD" ) ) {
                state.empty = false;
                _printer.printText( '>' );

            // Handle SCRIPT and STYLE specifically by changing the
            // state of the current element to CDATA (XHTML) or
            // unescaped (HTML).
            if ( tagName.equalsIgnoreCase( "SCRIPT" ) ||
                 tagName.equalsIgnoreCase( "STYLE" ) ) {
                if ( _xhtml ) {
                    // XHTML: Print contents as CDATA section
                    state.doCData = true;
                } else {
                    // HTML: Print contents unescaped
                    state.unescaped = true;
            child = elem.getFirstChild();
            while ( child != null ) {
                serializeNode( child );
                child = child.getNextSibling();
            endElementIO( null, null, tagName );
        } else {
            // XHTML: Close empty tag with ' />' so it's XML and HTML compatible.
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    public synchronized Element getDocumentElement()
        Node    html;
        Node    child;
        Node    next;

        // The document element is the top-level HTML element of the HTML
        // document. Only this element should exist at the top level.
        // If the HTML element is found, all other elements that might
        // precede it are placed inside the HTML element.
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     * @return The &lt;HEAD&gt; element
    public synchronized HTMLElement getHead()
        Node    head;
        Node    html;
        Node    child;
        Node    next;

        // Call getDocumentElement() to get the HTML element that is also the
        // top-level element in the document. Get the first element in the
        // document that is called HEAD. Work with that.
        html = getDocumentElement();
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