* Handle a death from above attack
private void resolveDfaAttack(PhysicalResult pr, int lastEntityId) {
final DfaAttackAction daa = (DfaAttackAction) pr.aaa;
final Entity ae = game.getEntity(daa.getEntityId());
final Targetable target = game.getTarget(daa.getTargetType(), daa.getTargetId());
// get damage, ToHitData and roll from the PhysicalResult
int damage = pr.damage;
final ToHitData toHit = pr.toHit;
int roll = pr.roll;
Entity te = null;
if ((target != null) && (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY)) {
// Lets re-write around that horrible hack that was here before.
// So instead of asking if a specific location is wet and praying
// that it won't cause an NPE...
// We'll check 1) if the hex has water, and 2) if it's deep enough
// to cover the unit in question at its current elevation.
// It's especially important to make sure it's done this way,
// because some units (Sylph, submarines) can be at ANY elevation
// underwater, and VTOLs can be well above the surface.
te = (Entity) target;
IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(te.getPosition());
if (hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)) {
if (te.absHeight() < hex.getElevation()) {
damage = (int) Math.ceil(damage * 0.5f);
boolean throughFront = true;
if (te != null) {
throughFront = Compute.isThroughFrontHex(game, ae.getPosition(), te);
final boolean glancing = game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_glancing_blows") && (roll == toHit.getValue());
// Set Margin of Success/Failure.
toHit.setMoS(roll - Math.max(2, toHit.getValue()));
final boolean directBlow = game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_direct_blow") && ((toHit.getMoS() / 3) >= 1);
Report r;
// Which building takes the damage?
Building bldg = game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(daa.getTargetPos());
// is the attacker dead? because that sure messes up the calculations
if (ae == null) {
final int direction = ae.getFacing();
if (lastEntityId != daa.getEntityId()) {
// who is making the attack
r = new Report(4005);
r.subject = ae.getId();
// entity isn't DFAing any more
// should we even bother?
if ((target == null) || ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) && (te.isDestroyed() || te.isDoomed() || te.crew.isDead()))) {
r = new Report(4245);
r.subject = ae.getId();
if (ae.isProne()) {
// attacker prone during weapons phase
addReport(doEntityFall(ae, daa.getTargetPos(), 2, 3, ae.getBasePilotingRoll()));
} else {
// same effect as successful DFA
addReport(doEntityDisplacement(ae, ae.getPosition(), daa.getTargetPos(), new PilotingRollData(ae.getId(), 4, "executed death from above")));
r = new Report(4246);
r.subject = ae.getId();
r.newlines = 0;
// target still in the same position?
if (!target.getPosition().equals(daa.getTargetPos())) {
r = new Report(4215);
r.subject = ae.getId();
addReport(doEntityFallsInto(ae, ae.getPosition(), daa.getTargetPos(), ae.getBasePilotingRoll()));
// hack: if the attacker's prone, or incapacitated, fudge the roll
if (ae.isProne() || !ae.isActive()) {
roll = -12;
r = new Report(4250);
r.subject = ae.getId();
} else if (toHit.getValue() == TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
roll = -12;
r = new Report(4255);
r.subject = ae.getId();
} else if (toHit.getValue() == TargetRoll.AUTOMATIC_SUCCESS) {
r = new Report(4260);
r.subject = ae.getId();
roll = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
// report the roll
r = new Report(4025);
r.subject = ae.getId();
r.newlines = 0;
if (glancing) {
r = new Report(4030);
r.subject = ae.getId();
r.newlines = 0;
if (directBlow) {
r = new Report(4032);
r.subject = ae.getId();
r.newlines = 0;
// do we hit?
if (roll < toHit.getValue()) {
Coords dest = te.getPosition();
Coords targetDest = Compute.getPreferredDisplacement(game, te.getId(), dest, direction);
// miss
r = new Report(4035);
r.subject = ae.getId();
if (targetDest != null) {
// attacker falls into destination hex
r = new Report(4265);
r.subject = ae.getId();
r.add(dest.getBoardNum(), true);
// move target to preferred hex
addReport(doEntityDisplacement(te, dest, targetDest, null));
int height = 2 + (game.getBoard().getHex(dest).containsTerrain(Terrains.BLDG_ELEV) ? game.getBoard().getHex(dest).terrainLevel(Terrains.BLDG_ELEV) : 0);
addReport(doEntityFall(ae, dest, height, 3, ae.getBasePilotingRoll()));
} else {
// attacker destroyed
// Tanks suffer an ammo/power plant hit.
// TODO : a Mech suffers a Head Blown Off crit.
addReport(destroyEntity(ae, "impossible displacement", ae instanceof Mech, ae instanceof Mech));
// we hit...
// Target entities are pushed away or destroyed.
Coords dest = te.getPosition();
Coords targetDest = Compute.getValidDisplacement(game, te.getId(), dest, direction);
if (targetDest != null) {
addReport(doEntityDisplacement(te, dest, targetDest, new PilotingRollData(te.getId(), 2, "hit by death from above")));
} else {
// ack! automatic death! Tanks
// suffer an ammo/power plant hit.
// TODO : a Mech suffers a Head Blown Off crit.
addReport(destroyEntity(te, "impossible displacement", te instanceof Mech, te instanceof Mech));
// Can't DFA a target inside of a building.
int damageTaken = DfaAttackAction.getDamageTakenBy(ae);
r = new Report(4040);
r.subject = ae.getId();
// Targeting a building.
if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_BUILDING) || (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_FUEL_TANK)) {
// The building takes the full brunt of the attack.
Vector<Report> buildingReport = damageBuilding(bldg, damage, target.getPosition());
for (Report report : buildingReport) {
report.subject = ae.getId();
// Damage any infantry in the hex.
damageInfantryIn(bldg, damage, target.getPosition());
} else { // Target isn't building.
if (glancing) {
damage = (int) Math.floor(damage / 2.0);
if (directBlow) {
damage += toHit.getMoS() / 3;
// damage target
r = new Report(4230);
r.subject = ae.getId();
r.newlines = 0;
// work out which locations have spikes
int[] spikes = new int[te.locations()];
for (int i = 0; i < te.locations(); i++) {
spikes[i] = 0;
for (Mounted m : te.getMisc()) {
if ((m.getLocation() != Entity.LOC_NONE) && m.getType().hasFlag(MiscType.F_SPIKES)) {
spikes[m.getLocation()] = 1;
int spikeDamage = 0;
while (damage > 0) {
int cluster = Math.min(5, damage);
HitData hit = te.rollHitLocation(toHit.getHitTable(), toHit.getSideTable());
if (directBlow) {
hit.makeDirectBlow(toHit.getMoS() / 3);
if (spikes[hit.getLocation()] == 1) {
r = new Report(4330);
r.newlines = 0;
r.subject = ae.getId();
cluster = 1;
spikes[hit.getLocation()] = 0;
checkBreakSpikes(te, hit.getLocation());
spikeDamage += 2;
addReport(damageEntity(te, hit, cluster, false, DamageType.NONE, false, false, throughFront));
damage -= 5;
if (spikeDamage > 0) {
if (ae instanceof QuadMech) {
addReport(damageEntity(ae, new HitData(Mech.LOC_LARM), (spikeDamage + 2) / 4, false, DamageType.NONE, false, false, false));
addReport(damageEntity(ae, new HitData(Mech.LOC_RARM), (spikeDamage + 2) / 4, false, DamageType.NONE, false, false, false));
if (spikeDamage > 2) {
addReport(damageEntity(ae, new HitData(Mech.LOC_LLEG), spikeDamage / 4, false, DamageType.NONE, false, false, false));
addReport(damageEntity(ae, new HitData(Mech.LOC_RLEG), spikeDamage / 4, false, DamageType.NONE, false, false, false));
} else {
addReport(damageEntity(ae, new HitData(Mech.LOC_LLEG), spikeDamage / 2, false, DamageType.NONE, false, false, false));
addReport(damageEntity(ae, new HitData(Mech.LOC_RLEG), spikeDamage / 2, false, DamageType.NONE, false, false, false));
if (target instanceof VTOL) {
// destroy rotor
addReport(applyCriticalHit(te, VTOL.LOC_ROTOR, new CriticalSlot(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, VTOL.CRIT_ROTOR_DESTROYED), false));
if (glancing) {
// Glancing Blow rule doesn't state whether damage to attacker on
// charge
// or DFA is halved as well, assume yes. TODO: Check with PM
damageTaken = (int) Math.floor(damageTaken / 2.0);
// damage attacker
r = new Report(4240);
r.subject = ae.getId();
r.newlines = 0;
while (damageTaken > 0) {
int cluster = Math.min(5, damageTaken);
HitData hit = ae.rollHitLocation(ToHitData.HIT_KICK, ToHitData.SIDE_FRONT);
addReport(damageEntity(ae, hit, cluster));
damageTaken -= cluster;
// That's it for target buildings.
// TODO: where do I put the attacker?!?
if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_BUILDING) || (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_FUEL_TANK)) {
// HACK: to avoid automatic falls, displace from dest to dest
addReport(doEntityDisplacement(ae, dest, dest, new PilotingRollData(ae.getId(), 4, "executed death from above")));