* <code>null</code>.
* @throws <code>IllegalStateException</code> if the node does not contain
* a valid <code>Entity</code>.
public static Entity decode(ParsedXML node, IGame game) {
Protomech entity = null;
String attrStr;
int attrVal;
int loc;
// Did we get a null node?
if (null == node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Protomech node is null.");
// Make sure that the node is for an Protomech unit.
attrStr = node.getAttribute("name");
if (!node.getName().equals("class") || null == attrStr
|| !attrStr.equals("Protomech")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not passed an Protomech node.");
// TODO : perform version checking.
// Create the entity.
entity = new Protomech();
// Walk the board node's children.
Enumeration<?> children = node.elements();
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
ParsedXML child = (ParsedXML) children.nextElement();
String childName = child.getName();
// Handle null child names.
if (null == childName) {
// No-op.
// Did we find the main gun node?
else if (childName.equals("hasMainGun")) {
// See if the Proto has a main gun.
attrStr = child.getAttribute("value");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode hasMainGun for a Protomech unit.");
// If the value is "true", the Proto has a main gun.
if (attrStr.equals("true")) {
} else {
// Did we find the location-specific pilot damage node?
else if (childName.equals("pilotDamageTaken")) {
// Get the damage taken by the pilot in this location.
attrStr = child.getAttribute("value");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the damage for a Protomech unit.");
// Try to pull the number from the attribute string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't get an integer from " + attrStr);
// Get this location.
attrStr = child.getAttribute("loc");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the location for a Protomech unit.");
// Try to pull the number from the attribute string
try {
loc = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't get an integer from " + attrStr);
entity.setPilotDamageTaken(loc, attrVal);
} // Handle the next element.
// Return the entity.