Proxy class for creating Properties from pairs of getter and setter methods of a Bean property. An instance of this class can be thought as having been attached to a field of an object. Accessing the object through the Property interface directly manipulates the underlying field.
It's assumed that the return value returned by the getter method is assignable to the type of the property, and the setter method parameter is assignable to that value.
A valid getter method must always be available, but instance of this class can be constructed with a null
setter method in which case the resulting MethodProperty is read-only.
MethodProperty implements Property.ValueChangeNotifier, but does not automatically know whether or not the getter method will actually return a new value - value change listeners are always notified when setValue is called, without verifying what the getter returns.
@author Vaadin Ltd. @since 3.0 A MethodProperty
is a Property
which is accessed through accessor methods (setX, getX). It is possible to have a MethodProperty
which has only setter, only getter, or both. It is not possible to have a MethodProperty
which has neither setter nor getter.