// We must do this in the correct order so please
// keep the linked hashset in place!
Set<MethodDef> synthetic = new LinkedHashSet<MethodDef>();
for (Iterator<MethodDef> i = methods.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
MethodDef m = i.next();
if (m.isSynthetic()) {
//System.out.println("methods/synthetic " + clazz+ " " + methods + " " + synthetic);
for (MethodDef m : methods) {
Collection<Element> children = annotations.get(m);
if (children == null)
children = new HashSet<Element>();
access(children, m.getAccess(), m.isDeprecated());
// A final class cannot be extended, ergo,
// all methods defined in it are by definition
// final. However, marking them final (either
// on the method or inheriting it from the class)
// will create superfluous changes if we
// override a method from a super class that was not
// final. So we actually remove the final for methods
// in a final class.
if (clazz.isFinal())
// for covariant types we need to add the return types
// and all the implemented and extended types. This is already
// do for us when we get the element of the return type.
getCovariantReturns(children, m.getType(), m.getGenericReturnType());
* No longer includes synthetic methods in the tree
// for (Iterator<MethodDef> i = synthetic.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
// MethodDef s = i.next();
// if (s.getName().equals(m.getName()) && Arrays.equals(s.getPrototype(), m.getPrototype())) {
// i.remove();
// getCovariantReturns(children, s.getType());
// }
// }
String signature = m.getSignature();
Matcher matcher;
if (signature !=null && (matcher = PARAMETERS_P.matcher(signature)).matches()) {
signature = matcher.group(1);
} else
signature = toString(m.getPrototype());
Element member = new Element(Type.METHOD, m.getName() + signature, children, add, remove,
if (!members.add(member)) {