Examples of MetadataDescriptor

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

        // 1 - Check the access types from our parents if we are an inheritance
        // sub-class. Inheritance hierarchies are processed top->down so our
        // first parent that does not define an explicit access type will have
        // the type we would want to default to.
        if (getDescriptor().isInheritanceSubclass()) {
            MetadataDescriptor parent = getDescriptor().getInheritanceParentDescriptor();
            while (parent != null) {
                if (! parent.getClassAccessor().hasAccess()) {
                    defaultAccessType = parent.getDefaultAccess();
                parent = parent.getInheritanceParentDescriptor();
        // 2 - If there is no inheritance or no inheritance parent that does not
        // explicitly define an access type. Let's check this entities mapped
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

    protected void processTableAndInheritance() {
        // If we are an inheritance subclass, ensure our root is processed
        // first since it has information its subclasses depend on.
        if (getDescriptor().isInheritanceSubclass()) {
            MetadataDescriptor rootDescriptor = getDescriptor().getInheritanceRootDescriptor();
            EntityAccessor rootAccessor = (EntityAccessor) rootDescriptor.getClassAccessor();
            // An entity who didn't know they were the root of an inheritance
            // hierarchy (that is, does not define inheritance metadata) must
            // process and default the inheritance metadata.
            if (! rootAccessor.hasInheritance()) {   
            // Process the table metadata for this descriptor if either there
            // is an inheritance specification (we're a new root) or if we are
            // part of a joined or table per class inheritance strategy.
            if (hasInheritance() || ! rootDescriptor.usesSingleTableInheritanceStrategy()) {
            // If this entity has inheritance metadata as well, then the
            // inheritance strategy is mixed and we need to process the
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

        // Process an inheritance subclass.
        if (descriptor.isInheritanceSubclass()) {
            MetadataDescriptor rootDescriptor = descriptor.getInheritanceRootDescriptor();
            EntityAccessor rootAccessor = (EntityAccessor) rootDescriptor.getClassAccessor();
            if (rootDescriptor.usesTablePerClassInheritanceStrategy()) {
                MetadataDescriptor parentDescriptor = descriptor.getInheritanceParentDescriptor();
            } else {
                // Set the parent class on the inheritance policy.
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

     *   Otherwise the processing of those accessor will only be performed once
     *   by their 'real' owning entity accessor.
    public void addTablePerClassParentMappings(MetadataDescriptor startingDescriptor, MetadataDescriptor realDescriptor) {
        EntityAccessor reloadedParentEntity = null;
        MetadataDescriptor realParentDescriptor = null;
        // If we are an inheritance subclass, recursively call up to the root
        // entity so that we can grab a copy of all our inherited mapping
        // accessors. Copies of our parent accessors are done by reloading the
        // parent entities through OX (if they were originally loaded from XML).
        // This is our way of cloning. The reloaded accessors are rebuilt using
        // the startingDescriptor context, that is where we want to add the
        // accessors.
        if (realDescriptor.isInheritanceSubclass() && realDescriptor.getInheritanceRootDescriptor().usesTablePerClassInheritanceStrategy()) {
            realParentDescriptor = realDescriptor.getInheritanceParentDescriptor();
            reloadedParentEntity = reloadEntity((EntityAccessor) realParentDescriptor.getClassAccessor(), startingDescriptor);
            addTablePerClassParentMappings(startingDescriptor, realParentDescriptor);
        // If we are the starting entity, the processing of our mapped
        // superclass and our accessors will be done when we process our
        // immediate accessors. Also, our immediate mapped superclasses will
        // have other metadata for us to process (and not just the addition of
        // accessors). See EntityAccesor process() and processClassMetadata().
        if (reloadedParentEntity != null) {
            // Be sure to reload the mapped superclass from the 'real' entity
            // accessor which has already discovered the list.
            EntityAccessor realParentEntityAccessor = (EntityAccessor) realParentDescriptor.getClassAccessor();
            for (MappedSuperclassAccessor mappedSuperclass : realParentEntityAccessor.getMappedSuperclasses()) {
                // Reload the mapped superclass and add its accessors.
                reloadMappedSuperclass(mappedSuperclass, startingDescriptor).addAccessors();
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

     * INTERNAL:
    public ClassAccessor(Annotation annotation, Class cls, MetadataProject project) {
        super(annotation, new MetadataClass(cls), new MetadataDescriptor(cls), project);
        // Set the class accessor reference on the descriptor.
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

     * primary key entities. The processor should never get as far as to use
     * them with entities that have a composite primary key (validation
     * exception will be thrown).
    protected void processOneToOnePrimaryKeyRelationship(OneToOneMapping mapping) {
        MetadataDescriptor referenceDescriptor = getReferenceDescriptor();
        List<PrimaryKeyJoinColumnMetadata> pkJoinColumns = processPrimaryKeyJoinColumns(new PrimaryKeyJoinColumnsMetadata(getPrimaryKeyJoinColumns()));

        // Add the source foreign key fields to the mapping.
        for (PrimaryKeyJoinColumnMetadata primaryKeyJoinColumn : pkJoinColumns) {
            // The default primary key name is the primary key field name of the
            // referenced entity.
            DatabaseField pkField = primaryKeyJoinColumn.getPrimaryKeyField();
            pkField.setName(getName(pkField, referenceDescriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldName(), MetadataLogger.PK_COLUMN));
            // The default foreign key name is the primary key of the
            // referencing entity.
            DatabaseField fkField = primaryKeyJoinColumn.getForeignKeyField();
            fkField.setName(getName(fkField, getDescriptor().getPrimaryKeyFieldName(), MetadataLogger.FK_COLUMN));
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

     * process itself if it hasn't already done so. Assumes that a mapped by
     * value has been specified and that a check against mappedByValue has been
     * done.
    protected DatabaseMapping getOwningMapping(String mappedBy) {
        MetadataDescriptor ownerDescriptor = getReferenceDescriptor();
        DatabaseMapping mapping = ownerDescriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(mappedBy, this);
        // If no mapping was found, there is an error in the mappedBy field,
        // therefore, throw an exception.
        if (mapping == null) {
            throw ValidationException.noMappedByAttributeFound(ownerDescriptor.getJavaClass(), mappedBy, getJavaClass(), getAttributeName());
        return mapping;
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

      * This method does additional checks to make sure that the target
      * entity is indeed an entity class.
    public MetadataDescriptor getReferenceDescriptor() {
        MetadataDescriptor descriptor;
        try {
            descriptor = super.getReferenceDescriptor();
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            descriptor = null;
        if (descriptor == null || descriptor.isEmbeddable() || descriptor.isEmbeddableCollection()) {
            throw ValidationException.nonEntityTargetInRelationship(getJavaClass(), getReferenceClass(), getAnnotatedElement());
        return descriptor;
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

     * used in the ordering must correspond to columns for which comparison
     * operators are supported.
    protected void processOrderBy(CollectionMapping mapping) {
        if (m_orderBy != null) {
            MetadataDescriptor referenceDescriptor = getReferenceDescriptor();
            if (m_orderBy.equals("")) {
                // Default to the primary key field name(s).
                List<String> orderByAttributes = referenceDescriptor.getIdOrderByAttributeNames();
                if (referenceDescriptor.hasEmbeddedIdAttribute()) {
                    String embeddedIdAttributeName = referenceDescriptor.getEmbeddedIdAttributeName();
                    for (String orderByAttribute : orderByAttributes) {
                        mapping.addAggregateOrderBy(embeddedIdAttributeName, orderByAttribute, false);
                } else {
                    for (String orderByAttribute : orderByAttributes) {
                        mapping.addOrderBy(orderByAttribute, false);
            } else {
                StringTokenizer commaTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(m_orderBy, ",");
                while (commaTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    StringTokenizer spaceTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(commaTokenizer.nextToken());
                    String propertyOrFieldName = spaceTokenizer.nextToken();
                    MappingAccessor referenceAccessor = referenceDescriptor.getAccessorFor(propertyOrFieldName);
                    if (referenceAccessor == null) {
                        throw ValidationException.invalidOrderByValue(propertyOrFieldName, referenceDescriptor.getJavaClass(), getAccessibleObjectName(), getJavaClass());

                    String attributeName = referenceAccessor.getAttributeName();                   
                    String ordering = (spaceTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) ? spaceTokenizer.nextToken() : ASCENDING;

                    if (referenceAccessor.isEmbedded()) {
                        for (String orderByAttributeName : referenceDescriptor.getOrderByAttributeNames()) {
                            mapping.addAggregateOrderBy(attributeName, orderByAttributeName, ordering.equals(DESCENDING));       
                    } else {
                        mapping.addOrderBy(attributeName, ordering.equals(DESCENDING));   
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataDescriptor

     * INTERNAL:
    public ClassAccessor(Annotation annotation, Class cls, MetadataProject project) {
        super(annotation, new MetadataClass(cls), new MetadataDescriptor(cls), project);
        // Set the class accessor reference on the descriptor.
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