Meta data can store values against property names. Each property name can be associated with a value or with a list of values (but the two must not be mixed for a given property).
{@link #setPropertyValue(String,Object)} can be used to set the value forsingle-value properties and {@link #addPropertyValue(String,Object)} to adda value to multi-value properties.
method using one of the predefined Field
@author in-somnia
Title: Mapscript shape dump example.
Description: A Java based mapscript example to create an image given a mapfile.
@author Yew K Choo @version 1.0MetaData
class represents the MetaData
element of the meta type descriptor.
@author Felix Project Team
Note that, "empty key" and "empty value" are implemented as {@code null} inthe key/value arrays by {@link ABCParser} and {@link ABCEmitter}.
This class is shared by the client thread (for partitioning) and the background sender thread. Metadata is maintained for only a subset of topics, which can be added to over time. When we request metdata for a topic we don't have any metadata for it will trigger a metadata update.
keys mapped to Objectvalues. So, each key can map to potentially many values, but also can map to null, or to a single value.
@author mattmann
@author bfoster
@version $Revision$
<meta> <system [type="doc|col"] [href="uri"]/> <attrs> <attr name="name" value="value"/> <attr name="name" value="value"/> </attrs> <custom> ... </custom> </meta>@author ku @author Dave Viner
All MetaData elements are extensible with extensions for a "vendor-name". Extensions take the form of a key and a value.
method using one of the predefined Field
@author in-somnia
<xs:complexType name="Metadata">@author danikov
Class for representing the meta-data for an field in a data model. A "field" may map to a column on a RowSet, a property on a JavaBean, or some other discrete data element on a data model. The meta-data describes aspects of a data field such as it's name, type, and edit constraints. This class may be used when such information isn't encapsulated in the data model object itself and thus must be represented in an external object. Meta-data is intended only for holding state about a data model element and is not intended for implementing application semantics.
A meta-data object should be initialized at a minimum with a name, class, and label. Additional meta-data properties can be set as necessary. For example:
MetaData metaData = new MetaData("firstname", String.class, "First Name"); metaData.setRequired(true);
If the associated data model field requires application-specific validation logic to verify the correctness of a potential value, one or more Validator instances can be added to the meta-data object. Example: MetaData metaData = new MetaData("creditcard", String.class, "Credit Card Number" metaData.setRequired(true); metaData.addValidator(new MyCreditCardValidator());
@author Amy Fowler
@author Rich Bair
@version 1.0
All MetaData elements are extensible with extensions for a "vendor-name". Extensions take the form of a key and a value. @version $Revision: 1.12 $
Metadata objects can only be created using the {@link MetadataBuilder} and are immutable after creation.
This metadata can be associated with record field values, see {@link Record#setMetadata(QName,Metadata)}.
This class represents the meta-data for a data stream. All fields are optional.
This class is immutable.
@author John JenkinsThe following elements are optional and may appear as sub-elements of <channel>, <item>, <media:content> and/or <media:group>.
When an element appears at a shallow level, such as <channel> or <item>, it means that the element should be applied to every media object within its scope.
Duplicated elements appearing at deeper levels of the document tree have higher priority over other levels. For example, <media:content> level elements are favored over <item> level elements. The priority level is listed from strongest to weakest: <media:content>, <media:group>, <item>, <channel>.
@author cooper