Examples of MetaWrapper

Examples of org.apache.nutch.metadata.MetaWrapper

          public MetaWrapper createValue() {
            return new MetaWrapper();
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create RecordReader: ", e);
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Examples of org.apache.nutch.metadata.MetaWrapper

    String lastPDname = null;
    String lastPTname = null;
    TreeMap<String, ArrayList<CrawlDatum>> linked =
      new TreeMap<String, ArrayList<CrawlDatum>>();
    while (values.hasNext()) {
      MetaWrapper wrapper = values.next();
      Object o = wrapper.get();
      String spString = wrapper.getMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY);
      if (spString == null) {
        throw new IOException("Null segment part, key=" + key);       
      SegmentPart sp = SegmentPart.parse(spString);
      if (o instanceof CrawlDatum) {
        CrawlDatum val = (CrawlDatum)o;
        // check which output dir it belongs to
        if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (lastG == null) {
            lastG = val;
            lastGname = sp.segmentName;
          } else {
            // take newer
            if (lastGname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
              lastG = val;
              lastGname = sp.segmentName;
        } else if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (lastF == null) {
            lastF = val;
            lastFname = sp.segmentName;
          } else {
            // take newer
            if (lastFname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
              lastF = val;
              lastFname = sp.segmentName;
        } else if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (val.getStatus() == CrawlDatum.STATUS_SIGNATURE) {
            if (lastSig == null) {
              lastSig = val;
              lastSigname = sp.segmentName;
            } else {
              // take newer
              if (lastSigname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
                lastSig = val;
                lastSigname = sp.segmentName;
          // collect all LINKED values from the latest segment
          ArrayList<CrawlDatum> segLinked = linked.get(sp.segmentName);
          if (segLinked == null) {
            segLinked = new ArrayList<CrawlDatum>();
            linked.put(sp.segmentName, segLinked);
        } else {
          throw new IOException("Cannot determine segment part: " + sp.partName);
      } else if (o instanceof Content) {
        if (lastC == null) {
          lastC = (Content)o;
          lastCname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastCname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastC = (Content)o;
            lastCname = sp.segmentName;
      } else if (o instanceof ParseData) {
        if (lastPD == null) {
          lastPD = (ParseData)o;
          lastPDname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastPDname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastPD = (ParseData)o;
            lastPDname = sp.segmentName;
      } else if (o instanceof ParseText) {
        if (lastPT == null) {
          lastPT = (ParseText)o;
          lastPTname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastPTname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastPT = (ParseText)o;
            lastPTname = sp.segmentName;
    String sliceName = null;
    MetaWrapper wrapper = new MetaWrapper();
    if (sliceSize > 0) {
      sliceName = String.valueOf(curCount / sliceSize);
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_SLICE_KEY, sliceName);
    SegmentPart sp = new SegmentPart();
    // now output the latest values
    if (lastG != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastGname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastF != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastFname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastSig != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastSigname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastC != null) {
      sp.partName = Content.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastCname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastPD != null) {
      sp.partName = ParseData.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastPDname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastPT != null) {
      sp.partName = ParseText.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastPTname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (linked.size() > 0) {
      String name = linked.lastKey();
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = name;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      ArrayList<CrawlDatum> segLinked = linked.get(name);
      for (int i = 0; i < segLinked.size(); i++) {
        CrawlDatum link = segLinked.get(i);
        output.collect(key, wrapper);
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Examples of org.apache.nutch.metadata.MetaWrapper

    String lastPDname = null;
    String lastPTname = null;
    TreeMap<String, ArrayList<CrawlDatum>> linked =
      new TreeMap<String, ArrayList<CrawlDatum>>();
    while (values.hasNext()) {
      MetaWrapper wrapper = values.next();
      Object o = wrapper.get();
      String spString = wrapper.getMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY);
      if (spString == null) {
        throw new IOException("Null segment part, key=" + key);       
      SegmentPart sp = SegmentPart.parse(spString);
      if (o instanceof CrawlDatum) {
        CrawlDatum val = (CrawlDatum)o;
        // check which output dir it belongs to
        if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (lastG == null) {
            lastG = val;
            lastGname = sp.segmentName;
          } else {
            // take newer
            if (lastGname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
              lastG = val;
              lastGname = sp.segmentName;
        } else if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (lastF == null) {
            lastF = val;
            lastFname = sp.segmentName;
          } else {
            // take newer
            if (lastFname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
              lastF = val;
              lastFname = sp.segmentName;
        } else if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (val.getStatus() == CrawlDatum.STATUS_SIGNATURE) {
            if (lastSig == null) {
              lastSig = val;
              lastSigname = sp.segmentName;
            } else {
              // take newer
              if (lastSigname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
                lastSig = val;
                lastSigname = sp.segmentName;
          // collect all LINKED values from the latest segment
          ArrayList<CrawlDatum> segLinked = linked.get(sp.segmentName);
          if (segLinked == null) {
            segLinked = new ArrayList<CrawlDatum>();
            linked.put(sp.segmentName, segLinked);
        } else {
          throw new IOException("Cannot determine segment part: " + sp.partName);
      } else if (o instanceof Content) {
        if (lastC == null) {
          lastC = (Content)o;
          lastCname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastCname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastC = (Content)o;
            lastCname = sp.segmentName;
      } else if (o instanceof ParseData) {
        if (lastPD == null) {
          lastPD = (ParseData)o;
          lastPDname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastPDname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastPD = (ParseData)o;
            lastPDname = sp.segmentName;
      } else if (o instanceof ParseText) {
        if (lastPT == null) {
          lastPT = (ParseText)o;
          lastPTname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastPTname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastPT = (ParseText)o;
            lastPTname = sp.segmentName;
  // perform filtering based on full merge record
    if (mergeFilters != null &&
       !mergeFilters.filter(key, lastG, lastF, lastSig, lastC, lastPD, lastPT,
                    linked.isEmpty() ? null : linked.lastEntry().getValue())){
    String sliceName = null;
    MetaWrapper wrapper = new MetaWrapper();
    if (sliceSize > 0) {
      sliceName = String.valueOf(curCount / sliceSize);
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_SLICE_KEY, sliceName);
    SegmentPart sp = new SegmentPart();
    // now output the latest values
    if (lastG != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastGname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastF != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastFname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastSig != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastSigname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastC != null) {
      sp.partName = Content.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastCname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastPD != null) {
      sp.partName = ParseData.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastPDname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastPT != null) {
      sp.partName = ParseText.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastPTname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (linked.size() > 0) {
      String name = linked.lastKey();
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = name;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      ArrayList<CrawlDatum> segLinked = linked.get(name);
      for (int i = 0; i < segLinked.size(); i++) {
        CrawlDatum link = segLinked.get(i);
        output.collect(key, wrapper);
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Examples of org.apache.nutch.metadata.MetaWrapper

          public MetaWrapper createValue() {
            return new MetaWrapper();
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create RecordReader: ", e);
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Examples of org.apache.nutch.metadata.MetaWrapper

    String lastPDname = null;
    String lastPTname = null;
    TreeMap<String, ArrayList<CrawlDatum>> linked =
      new TreeMap<String, ArrayList<CrawlDatum>>();
    while (values.hasNext()) {
      MetaWrapper wrapper = values.next();
      Object o = wrapper.get();
      String spString = wrapper.getMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY);
      if (spString == null) {
        throw new IOException("Null segment part, key=" + key);       
      SegmentPart sp = SegmentPart.parse(spString);
      if (o instanceof CrawlDatum) {
        CrawlDatum val = (CrawlDatum)o;
        // check which output dir it belongs to
        if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (lastG == null) {
            lastG = val;
            lastGname = sp.segmentName;
          } else {
            // take newer
            if (lastGname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
              lastG = val;
              lastGname = sp.segmentName;
        } else if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (lastF == null) {
            lastF = val;
            lastFname = sp.segmentName;
          } else {
            // take newer
            if (lastFname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
              lastF = val;
              lastFname = sp.segmentName;
        } else if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (val.getStatus() == CrawlDatum.STATUS_SIGNATURE) {
            if (lastSig == null) {
              lastSig = val;
              lastSigname = sp.segmentName;
            } else {
              // take newer
              if (lastSigname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
                lastSig = val;
                lastSigname = sp.segmentName;
          // collect all LINKED values from the latest segment
          ArrayList<CrawlDatum> segLinked = linked.get(sp.segmentName);
          if (segLinked == null) {
            segLinked = new ArrayList<CrawlDatum>();
            linked.put(sp.segmentName, segLinked);
        } else {
          throw new IOException("Cannot determine segment part: " + sp.partName);
      } else if (o instanceof Content) {
        if (lastC == null) {
          lastC = (Content)o;
          lastCname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastCname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastC = (Content)o;
            lastCname = sp.segmentName;
      } else if (o instanceof ParseData) {
        if (lastPD == null) {
          lastPD = (ParseData)o;
          lastPDname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastPDname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastPD = (ParseData)o;
            lastPDname = sp.segmentName;
      } else if (o instanceof ParseText) {
        if (lastPT == null) {
          lastPT = (ParseText)o;
          lastPTname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastPTname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastPT = (ParseText)o;
            lastPTname = sp.segmentName;
  // perform filtering based on full merge record
    if (mergeFilters != null &&
       !mergeFilters.filter(key, lastG, lastF, lastSig, lastC, lastPD, lastPT,
                    linked.isEmpty() ? null : linked.lastEntry().getValue())){
    String sliceName = null;
    MetaWrapper wrapper = new MetaWrapper();
    if (sliceSize > 0) {
      sliceName = String.valueOf(curCount / sliceSize);
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_SLICE_KEY, sliceName);
    SegmentPart sp = new SegmentPart();
    // now output the latest values
    if (lastG != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastGname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastF != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastFname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastSig != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastSigname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastC != null) {
      sp.partName = Content.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastCname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastPD != null) {
      sp.partName = ParseData.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastPDname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastPT != null) {
      sp.partName = ParseText.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastPTname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (linked.size() > 0) {
      String name = linked.lastKey();
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = name;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      ArrayList<CrawlDatum> segLinked = linked.get(name);
      for (int i = 0; i < segLinked.size(); i++) {
        CrawlDatum link = segLinked.get(i);
        output.collect(key, wrapper);
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Examples of org.apache.nutch.metadata.MetaWrapper

          public MetaWrapper createValue() {
            return new MetaWrapper();
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create RecordReader: ", e);
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Examples of org.apache.nutch.metadata.MetaWrapper

    String lastPDname = null;
    String lastPTname = null;
    TreeMap<String, ArrayList<CrawlDatum>> linked =
      new TreeMap<String, ArrayList<CrawlDatum>>();
    while (values.hasNext()) {
      MetaWrapper wrapper = values.next();
      Object o = wrapper.get();
      String spString = wrapper.getMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY);
      if (spString == null) {
        throw new IOException("Null segment part, key=" + key);       
      SegmentPart sp = SegmentPart.parse(spString);
      if (o instanceof CrawlDatum) {
        CrawlDatum val = (CrawlDatum)o;
        // check which output dir it belongs to
        if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (lastG == null) {
            lastG = val;
            lastGname = sp.segmentName;
          } else {
            // take newer
            if (lastGname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
              lastG = val;
              lastGname = sp.segmentName;
        } else if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (lastF == null) {
            lastF = val;
            lastFname = sp.segmentName;
          } else {
            // take newer
            if (lastFname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
              lastF = val;
              lastFname = sp.segmentName;
        } else if (sp.partName.equals(CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME)) {
          if (val.getStatus() == CrawlDatum.STATUS_SIGNATURE) {
            if (lastSig == null) {
              lastSig = val;
              lastSigname = sp.segmentName;
            } else {
              // take newer
              if (lastSigname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
                lastSig = val;
                lastSigname = sp.segmentName;
          // collect all LINKED values from the latest segment
          ArrayList<CrawlDatum> segLinked = linked.get(sp.segmentName);
          if (segLinked == null) {
            segLinked = new ArrayList<CrawlDatum>();
            linked.put(sp.segmentName, segLinked);
        } else {
          throw new IOException("Cannot determine segment part: " + sp.partName);
      } else if (o instanceof Content) {
        if (lastC == null) {
          lastC = (Content)o;
          lastCname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastCname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastC = (Content)o;
            lastCname = sp.segmentName;
      } else if (o instanceof ParseData) {
        if (lastPD == null) {
          lastPD = (ParseData)o;
          lastPDname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastPDname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastPD = (ParseData)o;
            lastPDname = sp.segmentName;
      } else if (o instanceof ParseText) {
        if (lastPT == null) {
          lastPT = (ParseText)o;
          lastPTname = sp.segmentName;
        } else {
          if (lastPTname.compareTo(sp.segmentName) < 0) {
            lastPT = (ParseText)o;
            lastPTname = sp.segmentName;
  // perform filtering based on full merge record
    if (mergeFilters != null &&
       !mergeFilters.filter(key, lastG, lastF, lastSig, lastC, lastPD, lastPT,
                    linked.isEmpty() ? null : linked.lastEntry().getValue())){
    String sliceName = null;
    MetaWrapper wrapper = new MetaWrapper();
    if (sliceSize > 0) {
      sliceName = String.valueOf(curCount / sliceSize);
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_SLICE_KEY, sliceName);
    SegmentPart sp = new SegmentPart();
    // now output the latest values
    if (lastG != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.GENERATE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastGname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastF != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastFname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastSig != null) {
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastSigname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastC != null) {
      sp.partName = Content.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastCname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastPD != null) {
      sp.partName = ParseData.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastPDname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (lastPT != null) {
      sp.partName = ParseText.DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = lastPTname;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      output.collect(key, wrapper);
    if (linked.size() > 0) {
      String name = linked.lastKey();
      sp.partName = CrawlDatum.PARSE_DIR_NAME;
      sp.segmentName = name;
      wrapper.setMeta(SEGMENT_PART_KEY, sp.toString());
      ArrayList<CrawlDatum> segLinked = linked.get(name);
      for (int i = 0; i < segLinked.size(); i++) {
        CrawlDatum link = segLinked.get(i);
        output.collect(key, wrapper);
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Examples of org.apache.nutch.metadata.MetaWrapper

          public MetaWrapper createValue() {
            return new MetaWrapper();
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create RecordReader: ", e);
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