private void estimateMemThresholds() {
if (!mapAggDisabled()) {"Getting mem limits; considering " + ALL_POPARTS.size()
+ " POPArtialAgg objects." + " with memory percentage "
+ percentUsage);
MemoryLimits memLimits = new MemoryLimits(ALL_POPARTS.size(), percentUsage);
int estTotalMem = 0;
int estTuples = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Object, List<Tuple>> entry : rawInputMap.entrySet()) {
for (Tuple t : entry.getValue()) {
estTuples += 1;
int mem = (int) t.getMemorySize();
estTotalMem += mem;
avgTupleSize = estTotalMem / estTuples;
long totalTuples = memLimits.getCacheLimit();"Estimated total tuples to buffer, based on " + estTuples + " tuples that took up " + estTotalMem + " bytes: " + totalTuples);
firstTierThreshold = (int) (0.5 + totalTuples * (1f - (1f / sizeReduction)));
secondTierThreshold = (int) (0.5 + totalTuples * (1f / sizeReduction));"Setting thresholds. Primary: " + firstTierThreshold + ". Secondary: " + secondTierThreshold);
// The second tier should at least allow one tuple before it tries to aggregate.