// Store the mechanism in the ldap session
ldapSession.putSaslProperty( SaslConstants.SASL_MECH, saslMechanism );
// Get the handler for this mechanism
MechanismHandler mechanismHandler = handlers.get( saslMechanism );
// Store the mechanism handler in the salsProperties
ldapSession.putSaslProperty( SaslConstants.SASL_MECH_HANDLER, mechanismHandler );
// Initialize the mechanism specific data
mechanismHandler.init( ldapSession );
// Get the SaslServer instance which manage the C/R exchange
SaslServer ss = mechanismHandler.handleMechanism( ldapSession, bindRequest );
// We have to generate a challenge
generateSaslChallengeOrComplete( ldapSession, ss, bindRequest );
// And get back