* @throws IOException Either failed to write to output stream or failed to close it.
private static void exportMeasurements(Properties props, int opcount, long runtime)
throws IOException
MeasurementsExporter exporter = null;
// if no destination file is provided the results will be written to stdout
OutputStream out;
String exportFile = props.getProperty("exportfile");
if (exportFile == null)
out = System.out;
} else
out = new FileOutputStream(exportFile);
// if no exporter is provided the default text one will be used
String exporterStr = props.getProperty("exporter", "com.yahoo.ycsb.measurements.exporter.TextMeasurementsExporter");
exporter = (MeasurementsExporter) Class.forName(exporterStr).getConstructor(OutputStream.class).newInstance(out);
} catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("Could not find exporter " + exporterStr
+ ", will use default text reporter.");
exporter = new TextMeasurementsExporter(out);
exporter.write("OVERALL", "RunTime(ms)", runtime);
double throughput = 1000.0 * ((double) opcount) / ((double) runtime);
exporter.write("OVERALL", "Throughput(ops/sec)", throughput);
} finally
if (exporter != null)