Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();
rectangle.translate(OFFSET_X, OFFSET_Y);
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(conf.CARDS_PER_PAGE / 2, size); i++) {
Card card = cards.get(i).getMockCard();
addCard(new CardView(card), bigCard, null, rectangle);
rectangle = CardPosition.translatePosition(i, rectangle, conf);
// calculate the x offset of the second (right) page
int second_page_x = (conf.WIDTH - 2 * LEFT_RIGHT_PAGES_WIDTH) -
(cardDimensions.frameWidth + CardPosition.GAP_X) * conf.CARD_COLUMNS + CardPosition.GAP_X - OFFSET_X;
rectangle.setLocation(second_page_x, OFFSET_Y);
for (int i = conf.CARDS_PER_PAGE / 2; i < Math.min(conf.CARDS_PER_PAGE, size); i++) {
Card card = cards.get(i).getMockCard();
addCard(new CardView(card), bigCard, null, rectangle);
rectangle = CardPosition.translatePosition(i - conf.CARDS_PER_PAGE / 2, rectangle, conf);