public abstract class LogicalOperator implements Operator { public static class Not implements Operator { public void perform(Funge funge) { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); stack.push(stack.pop() == 0 ? 1 : 0); }
/** * Pops one entry from the stack. Pushes a 1 if the entry is greater than 0, pushes a 0 otherwise */ public void perform(Funge funge) { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); Long b = stack.pop(); Long a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a > b ? 1 : 0); }
// Adds the two top most numbers on the stack public static class Add implements Operator { public void perform(Funge funge) { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); stack.push((stack.pop() + stack.pop())); }
// Subtracts the two top most numbers on the stack public static class Subtract implements Operator { public void perform(Funge funge) { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); stack.push(0 - (stack.pop() - stack.pop())); }
// Adds the two top most numbers on the stack public static class Multiply implements Operator { public void perform(Funge funge) { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); stack.push((stack.pop() * stack.pop())); }
// Divides the two top most numbers on the stack public static class Divide implements Operator { public void perform(Funge funge) { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); long b = stack.pop(); long a = stack.pop(); if (b == 0) { stack.push(0); } else { stack.push(a / b); } }
// Divides the two top most numbers on the stack public static class Modulus implements Operator { public void perform(Funge funge) { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); long b = stack.pop(); long a = stack.pop(); if (b == 0) { stack.push(0); } else { stack.push(a % b); } }
// Clones the first element on the stack public static class OutputChar implements Operator { public void perform(Funge funge) { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); System.out.print((char)stack.pop()); }
// Swaps the first two values on the stack public static class OutputNum implements Operator { public void perform(Funge funge) { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); System.out.print(stack.pop()); }
public void perform(Funge funge) { try { Stack stack = funge.getStackStack().getStack(); stack.push(System.in.read()); } catch (IOException err) { //TODO: Handle this exception as per spec err.printStackTrace(); }