FindProperty("Vector", new Namespaces(cx.getNamespace("__AS3__.vec")), true/*is_strict*/, false /*is_qualified*/, false /*is_attribute*/);
node.type.evaluate(cx, this);
int n_elements = (null == node.elementlist)? 0:node.elementlist.size();
PushNumber(new IntNumberConstant(n_elements), cx.intType().getTypeId());
InvokeClosure(true /* construct */,1);
if (node.elementlist != null)
Namespaces elements_nss = new Namespaces();
for (int i = 0, size = node.elementlist.items.size(); i < size; i++)
Node item = node.elementlist.items.get(i);
// Keep the new Vector on the stack
// Push the index
PushNumber(new IntNumberConstant(i), cx.intType().getTypeId());
// Push the value
item.evaluate(cx, this);
// setproperty with null operand => use indexed access