getLogger().info("JamesSpoolManager init...");
spool = (SpoolRepository) compMgr.lookup(SpoolRepository.ROLE);
MailetLoader mailetLoader
= (MailetLoader) compMgr.lookup(MailetLoader.ROLE);
MatcherLoader matchLoader
= (MatcherLoader) compMgr.lookup(MatcherLoader.ROLE);
//A processor is a Collection of
processors = new HashMap();
final Configuration[] processorConfs = conf.getChildren( "processor" );
for ( int i = 0; i < processorConfs.length; i++ )
Configuration processorConf = processorConfs[i];
String processorName = processorConf.getAttribute("name");
try {
LinearProcessor processor = new LinearProcessor();
setupLogger(processor, processorName);
processors.put(processorName, processor);
final Configuration[] mailetConfs
= processorConf.getChildren( "mailet" );
// Loop through the mailet configuration, load
// all of the matcher and mailets, and add
// them to the processor.
for ( int j = 0; j < mailetConfs.length; j++ )
Configuration c = mailetConfs[j];
String mailetClassName = c.getAttribute("class");
String matcherName = c.getAttribute("match");
Mailet mailet = null;
Matcher matcher = null;
try {
matcher = matchLoader.getMatcher(matcherName);
//The matcher itself should log that it's been inited.
if (getLogger().isInfoEnabled()) {
StringBuffer infoBuffer =
new StringBuffer(64)
.append("Matcher ")