This code is used to create an isolated environment. @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
mask.add(""); } // first create a protected area so that we load JAXB/WS 2.1 API // and everything that depends on them inside cl = new MaskingClassLoader(cl,mask); // then this classloader loads the API and tools.jar cl = new URLClassLoader(urls, cl); // finally load the rest of the RI. The actual class files are loaded from ancestors
* This mechanism allows plugins to have their own versions for libraries that core bundles. */ private ClassLoader getBaseClassLoader(Attributes atts, ClassLoader base) { String masked = atts.getValue("Mask-Classes"); if(masked!=null) base = new MaskingClassLoader(base, masked.trim().split("[ \t\r\n]+")); return base; }
*/ private ClassLoader getBaseClassLoader(Attributes atts) { ClassLoader base = getClass().getClassLoader(); String masked = atts.getValue("Mask-Classes"); if(masked!=null) base = new MaskingClassLoader(base, masked.trim().split("[ \t\r\n]+")); return base; }