is thrown if a
occurs while marshalling the remote call header, arguments or return value for a remote method call. A MarshalException
is also thrown if the receiver does not support the protocol version of the sender. If a MarshalException
occurs during a remote method call, the call may or may not have reached the server. If the call did reach the server, parameters may have been deserialized. A call may not be retransmitted after a MarshalException
and reliably preserve "at most once" call semantics.
@version 1.13, 11/17/05
@author Ann Wollrath
@since JDK1.1
The MarshalException
is a subclass of the {@link javax.xml.bind.JAXBException} being thrown if themarshalling of a JAXB object failed.
A MarshalException
can contain a cause: another throwable that caused this MarshalException
to get thrown.
@author Sean Mullan
@author JSR 105 Expert Group
@see XMLSignature#sign(XMLSignContext)
@see XMLSignatureFactory#unmarshalXMLSignature(XMLValidateContext)