A special case of {@link BeanModel} that adds implementationfor {@link TemplateMethodModelEx} on map objects that is a shortcut for theMap.get() method. Note that if the passed argument itself is a reflection-wrapper model, then the map lookup will be performed using the wrapped object as the key. Note that you can call get() using the map.key syntax inherited from {@link BeanModel} as well, however in that case the key is always a string.
The class itself does not implement the {@link freemarker.template.TemplateCollectionModel}. You can, however use map.entrySet(), map.keySet(), or map.values() to obtain {@link freemarker.template.TemplateCollectionModel} instances for various aspects of the map.
@author Attila Szegedi @version $Id: MapModel.java,v 2006/02/26 18:26:37 revusky Exp $ The model behind a map. This object contains all the layers related to the map. When re-rendering the entire map, it is actually this model that is rendered. Therefore the MapModel implements the Paintable
The semantics of this model are similar to {@link #PropertyModel} except forthat expressions map to keys of a map rather than java bean property names.
@author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project