} else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ManyToOne.class)) {
ManyToOne manyToOne = field.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class);
List<Field> remoteClassFields = ReflectionUtils.getFields(field.getType());
Field matchingRemoteField = null;
if (remoteClassFields != null) {
for (Field remoteField : remoteClassFields) {
if (remoteField.isAnnotationPresent(DAOManaged.class) && remoteField.isAnnotationPresent(OneToMany.class)
&& remoteField.getType() == List.class && ReflectionUtils.isGenericlyTyped(remoteField)
&& ((Class<?>) ReflectionUtils.getGenericType(remoteField) == this.beanClass)) {
matchingRemoteField = remoteField;
if (matchingRemoteField == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("No corresponding @OneToMany annotated field found in " + field.getType()
+ " matching @ManyToOne relation of field " + field.getName() + " in " + beanClass + "!");
Field remoteKeyField = null;
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(manyToOne.remoteKeyField())) {
remoteKeyField = ReflectionUtils.getField(field.getType(), manyToOne.remoteKeyField());
//TODO Check if the remote key field is @DAOPopluate annotated
if (remoteKeyField == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find @Key annotated field " + manyToOne.remoteKeyField() + " in " + field.getType() + " specified for @ManyToOne annotated field "
+ field.getName() + " in " + beanClass);
} else {
for (Field remoteField : remoteClassFields) {
if (remoteField.isAnnotationPresent(DAOManaged.class) && remoteField.isAnnotationPresent(Key.class)) {
if (remoteKeyField != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Found multiple @Key annotated fields in " + field.getType() + ", therefore the remoteKeyField property needs to be specified for the @ManyToOne annotated field "
+ field.getName() + " in " + beanClass);
remoteKeyField = remoteField;
if (remoteKeyField == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find @Key annotated field in " + field.getType() + " while parsing @ManyToOne annotated field "
+ field.getName() + " in " + beanClass);
DefaultManyToOneRelation<T, ?, ?> relation = null;
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Key.class)) {
relation = DefaultManyToOneRelation.getGenericInstance(beanClass, field.getType(), remoteKeyField.getType(), field, remoteKeyField, daoManaged, daoFactory);
manyToOneRelationKeys.put(field, relation);
} else {
relation = DefaultManyToOneRelation.getGenericInstance(beanClass, field.getType(), remoteKeyField.getType(), field, remoteKeyField, daoManaged, daoFactory);
this.manyToOneRelations.put(field, relation);
this.columnMap.put(field, relation);
if (orderBy != null) {
this.columnOrderMap.put(orderBy, relation);
if (manyToOne.autoAdd()) {
if (manyToOne.autoUpdate()) {
if (manyToOne.autoGet()) {
} else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ManyToMany.class)) {