Examples of ManifoldCFException

Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

      return rval;
    catch (javax.xml.soap.SOAPException e)
      throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e);
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Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

      return rval;
    catch (javax.xml.soap.SOAPException e)
      throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e);
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Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

      return rval;
    catch (javax.xml.soap.SOAPException e)
      throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e);
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Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

      return rval;
    catch (javax.xml.soap.SOAPException e)
      throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e);
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Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

    if (smbconnectionPath == null)
      // Get the server
      if (server == null || server.length() == 0)
        throw new ManifoldCFException("Missing parameter '"+SharedDriveParameters.server+"'");

      // make the smb connection to the server
      String authenticationString;
      if (domain == null || domain.length() == 0)
        domain = null;
      if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
        Logging.connectors.debug("Connecting to: " + "smb://" + ((domain==null)?"":domain)+";"+username+":<password>@" + server + "/");

        // use NtlmPasswordAuthentication so that we can reuse credential for DFS support
        pa = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication(domain,username,password);
        SmbFile smbconnection = new SmbFile("smb://" + server + "/",pa);
        smbconnectionPath = getFileCanonicalPath(smbconnection);
      catch (MalformedURLException e)
        Logging.connectors.error("Unable to access SMB/CIFS share: "+"smb://" + ((domain==null)?"":domain)+";"+username+":<password>@"+ server + "/\n" + e);
        throw new ManifoldCFException("Unable to access SMB/CIFS share: "+server, e, ManifoldCFException.REPOSITORY_CONNECTION_ERROR);
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Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

        return uriMap.translate(output.toString());
      catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e)
        // Should not happen...
        throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e);
      // Convert to a URI that begins with file://///.  This used to be done according to the following IE7 specification:
      //   http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2006/12/06/file-uris-in-windows.aspx
      // However, two factors required change.  First, IE8 decided to no longer adhere to the same specification as IE7.
      // Second, the ingestion API does not (and will never) accept anything other than a well-formed URI.  Thus, file
      // specifications are ingested in a canonical form (which happens to be pretty much what this connector used prior to
      // 3.9.0), and the various clients are responsible for converting that form into something the browser will accept.
        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();

        int i = 0;
        while (i < serverPath.length())
          int pos = serverPath.indexOf("/",i);
          if (pos == -1)
            pos = serverPath.length();
          String piece = serverPath.substring(i,pos);
          // Note well.  This does *not* %-encode some characters such as '#', which are legal in URI's but have special meanings!
          String replacePiece = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(piece,"utf-8");
          // Convert the +'s back to %20's
          int j = 0;
          while (j < replacePiece.length())
            int plusPos = replacePiece.indexOf("+",j);
            if (plusPos == -1)
              plusPos = replacePiece.length();
            if (plusPos < replacePiece.length())
            j = plusPos;

          if (pos < serverPath.length())
          i = pos;
        return "file://///"+output.toString();
      catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e)
        // Should not happen...
        throw new ManifoldCFException(e.getMessage(),e);
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Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

        rval[i] = null;
      catch (MalformedURLException mue)
        Logging.connectors.error("JCIFS: MalformedURLException thrown: "+mue.getMessage(),mue);
        throw new ManifoldCFException("MalformedURLException thrown: "+mue.getMessage(),mue);
      catch (SmbException se)
        processSMBException(se,documentIdentifier,"getting document version","fetching share security");
        rval[i] = null;
      catch (java.net.SocketTimeoutException e)
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: Socket timeout reading version information for document "+documentIdentifier+": "+e.getMessage(),e);
        throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L,
          currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
      catch (InterruptedIOException e)
        throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED);
      catch (IOException e)
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: I/O error reading version information for document "+documentIdentifier+": "+e.getMessage(),e);
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Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

      catch (MalformedURLException mue)
        Logging.connectors.error("MalformedURLException tossed",mue);
          null,documentIdentifier,"Error","Malformed URL: "+mue.getMessage(),null);
        throw new ManifoldCFException("MalformedURLException tossed: "+mue.getMessage(),mue);
      catch (jcifs.smb.SmbAuthException e)
        Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: Authorization exception reading document/directory "+documentIdentifier+" - skipping");
          null,documentIdentifier,"Skip","Authorization: "+e.getMessage(),null);
        // We call the delete even if it's a directory; this is harmless.
        activities.deleteDocument(documentIdentifier, version);
      catch (SmbException se)
        // At least some of these are transport errors, and should be treated as service
        // interruptions.
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Throwable cause = se.getRootCause();
        if (cause != null && (cause instanceof jcifs.util.transport.TransportException))
          // See if it's an interruption
          jcifs.util.transport.TransportException te = (jcifs.util.transport.TransportException)cause;
          if (te.getRootCause() != null && te.getRootCause() instanceof java.lang.InterruptedException)
            throw new ManifoldCFException(te.getRootCause().getMessage(),te.getRootCause(),ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED);

          Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: Timeout processing document/directory "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
            null,documentIdentifier,"Retry","Transport: "+cause.getMessage(),null);
          throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+cause.getMessage(),cause,currentTime + 300000L,
            currentTime + 12 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
        if (se.getMessage().indexOf("busy") != -1)
          Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: 'Busy' response when processing document/directory for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
            null,documentIdentifier,"Retry","Busy: "+se.getMessage(),null);
          throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+se.getMessage(),se,currentTime + 300000L,
            currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
        else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("handle is invalid") != -1)
          Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: 'Handle is invalid' response when processing document/directory for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
            null,documentIdentifier,"Retry","Expiration: "+se.getMessage(),null);
          throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+se.getMessage(),se,currentTime + 300000L,
            currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
        else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("parameter is incorrect") != -1)
          Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: 'Parameter is incorrect' response when processing document/directory for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
            null,documentIdentifier,"Retry","Expiration: "+se.getMessage(),null);
          throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+se.getMessage(),se,currentTime + 300000L,
            currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
        else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("no longer available") != -1)
          Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: 'No longer available' response when processing document/directory for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
            null,documentIdentifier,"Retry","Expiration: "+se.getMessage(),null);
          throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+se.getMessage(),se,currentTime + 300000L,
            currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
        else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("cannot find") != -1 || se.getMessage().indexOf("cannot be found") != -1)
          if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
            Logging.connectors.debug("JCIFS: Skipping document/directory "+documentIdentifier+" because it cannot be found");
            null,documentIdentifier,"Not found",null,null);
          activities.deleteDocument(documentIdentifier, version);
        else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("is denied") != -1)
          Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: Access exception reading document/directory "+documentIdentifier+" - skipping");
          // We call the delete even if it's a directory; this is harmless and it cleans up the jobqueue row.
            null,documentIdentifier,"Skip","Authorization: "+se.getMessage(),null);
          activities.deleteDocument(documentIdentifier, version);
          Logging.connectors.error("JCIFS: SmbException tossed processing "+documentIdentifier,se);
            null,documentIdentifier,"Error","Unknown: "+se.getMessage(),null);
          throw new ManifoldCFException("SmbException tossed: "+se.getMessage(),se);
      catch (java.net.SocketTimeoutException e)
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: Socket timeout processing "+documentIdentifier+": "+e.getMessage(),e);
          null,documentIdentifier,"Retry","Socket timeout: "+e.getMessage(),null);
        throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+e.getMessage(),e,currentTime + 300000L,
          currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
      catch (InterruptedIOException e)
        throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED);
      catch (IOException e)
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: IO error processing "+documentIdentifier+": "+e.getMessage(),e);
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Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

    if (cause != null && (cause instanceof jcifs.util.transport.TransportException))
      // See if it's an interruption
      jcifs.util.transport.TransportException te = (jcifs.util.transport.TransportException)cause;
      if (te.getRootCause() != null && te.getRootCause() instanceof java.lang.InterruptedException)
        throw new ManifoldCFException(te.getRootCause().getMessage(),te.getRootCause(),ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED);
      Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: Timeout "+activity+" for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
      // Transport exceptions no longer abort when they give up, so we can't get notified that there is a problem.

      throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+cause.getMessage(),cause,currentTime + 300000L,
        currentTime + 12 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
    if (se.getMessage().indexOf("busy") != -1)
      Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: 'Busy' response when "+activity+" for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
      // Busy exceptions just skip the document and keep going
      throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+se.getMessage(),se,currentTime + 300000L,
        currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
    else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("handle is invalid") != -1)
      Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: 'Handle is invalid' response when "+activity+" for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
      // Invalid handle errors treated like "busy"
      throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+se.getMessage(),se,currentTime + 300000L,
        currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
    else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("parameter is incorrect") != -1)
      Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: 'Parameter is incorrect' response when "+activity+" for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
      // Invalid handle errors treated like "busy"
      throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+se.getMessage(),se,currentTime + 300000L,
        currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
    else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("no longer available") != -1)
      Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: 'No longer available' response when "+activity+" for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
      // No longer available == busy
      throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+se.getMessage(),se,currentTime + 300000L,
        currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
    else if(se.getMessage().indexOf("No process is on the other end of the pipe") != -1)
      Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: 'No process is on the other end of the pipe' response when "+activity+" for "+documentIdentifier+": retrying...",se);
      // 'No process is on the other end of the pipe' skip the document and keep going
      throw new ServiceInterruption("Timeout or other service interruption: "+se.getMessage(),se,currentTime + 300000L,
        currentTime + 3 * 60 * 60000L,-1,false);
    else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("cannot find") != -1 || se.getMessage().indexOf("cannot be found") != -1)
    else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("is denied") != -1)
      Logging.connectors.warn("JCIFS: Access exception when "+activity+" for "+documentIdentifier+" - skipping");
    else if (se.getMessage().indexOf("Incorrect function") != -1)
      Logging.connectors.error("JCIFS: Server does not support a required operation ("+operation+"?) for "+documentIdentifier);
      throw new ManifoldCFException("Server does not support a required operation ("+operation+", possibly?) accessing document "+documentIdentifier,se);
      Logging.connectors.error("SmbException thrown "+activity+" for "+documentIdentifier,se);
      throw new ManifoldCFException("SmbException thrown: "+se.getMessage(),se);
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Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.core.interfaces.ManifoldCFException

          return "Timeout connecting to server: "+e.getMessage();
        catch (InterruptedIOException e)
          throw new ManifoldCFException("Interrupted: "+e.getMessage(),e,ManifoldCFException.INTERRUPTED);
        catch (IOException e)
          return "Couldn't connect to server: "+e.getMessage();
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