<element name="Manifest" type="ds:ManifestType"/> <complexType name="ManifestType"> <sequence> <element ref="ds:Reference" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/> </complexType>
A Manifest
instance may be created by invoking one of the {@link XMLSignatureFactory#newManifest newManifest} methods of the {@link XMLSignatureFactory} class; for example: XMLSignatureFactory factory = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM"); List references = Collections.singletonList(factory.newReference ("#reference-1", DigestMethod.SHA1)); Manifest manifest = factory.newManifest(references, "manifest-1");@author Sean Mullan @author JSR 105 Expert Group @see XMLSignatureFactory#newManifest(List) @see XMLSignatureFactory#newManifest(List,String)
TODO In the future, we may want to make this an abstract base class and add a SerializerDictionary that maps keys to Serializers. Local manifests can use the dictionary to write data out to the native OS, and remote manifests can do the opposite. We'll still need a means of mapping value keys to native IDs (which we would need to do via MIME types if the system is based on AWT's DnD mechanism).
... @Override protected void beforeBootstrap(ClusterActionEvent event) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ... Module nginx = new Module("nginx", null); addStatement(event, nginx); ... OR Module ntp = new Module("ntp"); ntp.attribs.put("servers", "[]" ); addStatement(event,java); OR Module postgresServer = new Module("postgresql","server"); Module postgresClient = new Module("postgresql","client"); addStatement(event, postgresServer); addStatement(event, postgresClient); } ...
elements. This element holds the Reference
TODO In the future, we may want to make this an abstract base class and add a SerializerDictionary that maps keys to Serializers. Local manifests can use the dictionary to write data out to the native OS, and remote manifests can do the opposite. We'll still need a means of mapping value keys to native IDs (which we would need to do via MIME types if the system is based on AWT's DnD mechanism). @author gbrown