This class implements the main window of the anonymizer application holing tabs for the different logs. Furthermore the window enables the user to connect and disconnect to the network.
@author dluebke @version 1.0.4 (2003-12-12) @since 1.0This class is a modified version of the main window of the anonymizer application to be used for the intHarvesters application.
This class implements the main window of the anonymizer application holing tabs for the different logs. Furthermore the window enables the user to connect and disconnect to the network.
@see de.tuclausthal.informatik.winf.anonymizer.gui.MainWindowThis class implements the main window of the anonymizer application holing tabs for the different logs. Furthermore the window enables the user to connect and disconnect to the network.
@author dluebke @version 1.0.4 (2003-12-12) @since 1.0