This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.
This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.
The Main
class implements the ProgressComponent
interface for easy access to the MainFrame
. All calls are simply forwarded to the MainFrame
@author Hanns Holger Rutz
@version 0.75, 17-Jul-08
This was written to facilitate a test harness for language functionality tests. @author ames
This class is the default way to instantiate and execute the framework. It is not intended to be the only way to instantiate and execute the framework; rather, it is one example of how to do so. When embedding the framework in a host application, this class can serve as a simple guide of how to do so. It may even be worthwhile to reuse some of its property handling capabilities. This class is completely static and is only intended to start a single instance of the framework.
This class is the default way to instantiate and execute the framework. It is not intended to be the only way to instantiate and execute the framework; rather, it is one example of how to do so. When embedding the framework in a host application, this class can serve as a simple guide of how to do so. It may even be worthwhile to reuse some of its property handling capabilities. This class is completely static and is only intended to start a single instance of the framework.
This class is the default way to instantiate and execute the framework. It is not intended to be the only way to instantiate and execute the framework; rather, it is one example of how to do so. When embedding the framework in a host application, this class can serve as a simple guide of how to do so. It may even be worthwhile to reuse some of its property handling capabilities. This class is completely static and is only intended to start a single instance of the framework.
Clients can handle all messages by registering a holder:
Main main = new Main(); IMessageHolder holder = new MessageHandler(); main.setHolder(holder);Clients can get control after each command completes by installing a Runnable:
main.setCompletionRunner(new Runnable() {..});