Central MailboxManager which creates, lists, provides, renames and deletes Mailboxes
An important goal is to be JavaMail feature compatible. That means JavaMail could be used in both directions: As a backend for e.g. accessing a Maildir JavaMail store or as a frontend to access a JDBC MailboxManager through JavaMail. This should be possible by not too complicated wrapper classes. Due to the complexity of JavaMail it might be impossible to avoid some limitations.
Internally MailboxManager deals with named repositories that could have different implementations. E.g. JDBC connections to different hosts or Maildir / Mbox like stores. These repositories are identified by their names and maybe are configured in config.xml. The names of the mailboxes have to be mapped to the corresponding repository name. For user mailboxes this could be done by a "User.getRepositoryName()" property. It is imaginable that repositories lookup further properties from the user object like a path name for a file based storage method. Until Milestone 6 there is only one named repository: "default".
The only operation that requires dealing with the named repositories directly is the quota management. It is probably really difficult to implement a quota system that spans multiple repository implementations. That is why quotas are created for a specific repository. To be able to administer, repositories and theier belonging mailboxes can be listet.