Examples of MacroParseException

Examples of org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.MacroParseException

                        /* if a foreach and it's the 2nd arg ok */
                        {if (true) throw new MacroParseException("Invalid arg #"
                            + argPos + " in "
                            + (isVM ? "VM " : "directive " )
                            + t.image, currentTemplateName, t);}
                    if (doItNow && argPos == 0)
                        /* if a VM and it's the 0th arg, not ok */

                        {if (true) throw new MacroParseException("Invalid first arg"
                            + " in #macro() directive - must be a"
                            + " word token (no \' or \" surrounding)", currentTemplateName, t);}

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Examples of org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.MacroParseException

                        /* if #macro and it's the 0th arg, ok */
                    else if (isVM)
                        {if (true) throw new MacroParseException("Invalid arg #"
                        + argPos + " in VM " + t.image, currentTemplateName, t);}
                                          /* if #foreach and it's the 2nd arg, ok */
                    else if (d != null && (!directiveName.equals("foreach") || argPos != 1))
                        {if (true) throw new MacroParseException("Invalid arg #"
                        + argPos + " in directive " + t.image, currentTemplateName, t);}
                        /* either schmoo or a late-defined macro,
                         * VelocimacroProxy will have to check for latter. */
                    if (doItNow && argPos == 0)
                        /* if a VM and it's the 0th arg, not ok */

                        {if (true) throw new MacroParseException("Invalid first arg"
                        + " in #macro() directive - must be a"
                        + " word token (no \' or \" surrounding)", currentTemplateName, t);}

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Examples of org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.MacroParseException

                        /* if #macro and it's the 0th arg, ok */
                    else if (isVM)
                        {if (true) throw new MacroParseException("Invalid arg #"
                        + argPos + " in VM " + t.image, currentTemplateName, t);}
                                          /* if #foreach and it's the 2nd arg, ok */
                    else if (d != null && (!directiveName.equals("foreach") || argPos != 1))
                        {if (true) throw new MacroParseException("Invalid arg #"
                        + argPos + " in directive " + t.image, currentTemplateName, t);}
                        /* either schmoo or a late-defined macro,
                         * VelocimacroProxy will have to check for latter. */
                    if (doItNow && argPos == 0)
                        /* if a VM and it's the 0th arg, not ok */

                        {if (true) throw new MacroParseException("Invalid first arg"
                        + " in #macro() directive - must be a"
                        + " word token (no \u005c' or \u005c" surrounding)", currentTemplateName, t);}

        switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) {
        case WHITESPACE:
          jj_la1[12] = jj_gen;
        if (directiveType  == Directive.LINE)
            {if (true) return jjtn000;}
      } else {
        if (doItNow)  // doItNow is true if the directive is "macro"
            // VELOCITY-667 We get here if we have a "#macro" construct
            // without parenthesis which is a parse error
            {if (true) throw new MacroParseException("A macro declaration requires at least a name argument"
              , currentTemplateName, t);}

         * Not a directive
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