Package lupos.sparql1_1.operatorgraph

Examples of lupos.sparql1_1.operatorgraph.ServiceGeneratorFetchAsNeededWithCache


    int index;
    final Node child0 = node.jjtGetChild(0);
    if(child0 instanceof ASTConstructTemplate){
      this.setGraphConstraints(child0, connection);
    } else {
      for (int i = index; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
        final Node childi = node.jjtGetChild(i);
        if(childi instanceof ASTGroupConstraint) {
          this.setGraphConstraints(childi, connection);
    for (int i = index; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
      final Node childi = node.jjtGetChild(i);
      if(childi instanceof ASTGroupConstraint) {
        childi.accept(this, connection, null);
      } else {
        if(!(childi instanceof ASTStream)){
          childi.accept(this, connection);
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      final Construct c = new Construct();
      graphConstructs.add(new Tuple<Construct, Item>(c, null));
    for(int i=0; i<node.jjtGetNumChildren();i++){
      final Node child = node.jjtGetChild(i);
      if(child instanceof ASTGraphConstraint){
        final Collection<TriplePattern> otp = this.collectTriplePatternOfChildren(child);
          final Construct c2 = new Construct();
          final Node childchild=child.jjtGetChild(0);
          Item item=null;
          if (childchild instanceof ASTQuotedURIRef) {
            try {
              item=LiteralFactory.createURILiteralWithoutLazyLiteral("<"+ childchild.toString() + ">");
            } catch (final Exception e) {
          } else if(childchild instanceof ASTVar){
            item = new Variable(((ASTVar)childchild).getName());
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  public Collection<TriplePattern> collectTriplePatternOfChildren(final Node node){
    final Collection<TriplePattern> resultantTriplePatterns = new LinkedList<TriplePattern>();
    for(int i=0; i<node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++){
      final Node child = node.jjtGetChild(i);
      if(child instanceof ASTTripleSet){
    return resultantTriplePatterns;
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  public TriplePattern getTriplePattern(final ASTTripleSet node) {
    final Item[] item = { null, null, null };

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      final Node n = node.jjtGetChild(i);
      if(n instanceof ASTObjectList){
        item[i] = getItem(n.jjtGetChild(0));
      } else {
        item[i] = getItem(n);
    final TriplePattern tpe = new TriplePattern(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
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          realSubject = itm;
          subjectIsALiteral = true;
        } else {
          subject = (Variable) itm;
        final Node subjectNode = tripleSet.jjtGetChild(0);

        itm = getItem(tripleSet.jjtGetChild(2));
        if (!itm.isVariable()){
          object = this.getVariable(getItem(tripleSet.jjtGetChild(0)).toString(), getItem(tripleSet.jjtGetChild(2)).toString(), "interimObject");
          realObject = itm;
          objectIsALiteral = true;
        } else {
          object = (Variable) itm;
        final Node objectNode = tripleSet.jjtGetChild(2);

        final Node predicateNode = tripleSet.jjtGetChild(1);
        final BasicOperator startingOperator = predicateNode.accept(this, connection, graphConstraint, subject, object, subjectNode, objectNode);

        if(!subjectIsALiteral && !objectIsALiteral){
          if(subjectIsALiteral && !objectIsALiteral){
            final Filter filter = new Filter("(" + subject + " = " + realSubject +")");
            final Projection projection = new Projection();
            if(graphConstraint!=null && graphConstraint.isVariable() && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(subjectNode)) && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(objectNode))) {

            filter.addSucceedingOperator(new OperatorIDTuple(projection,0));
            startingOperator.addSucceedingOperator(new OperatorIDTuple(filter,0));

            if(!subjectIsALiteral && objectIsALiteral){
              final Filter filter = new Filter("(" + object + " = " + realObject + ")");
              final Projection projection = new Projection();
              if(graphConstraint!=null && graphConstraint.isVariable() && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(subjectNode)) && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(objectNode))) {

              filter.addSucceedingOperator(new OperatorIDTuple(projection,0));
              startingOperator.addSucceedingOperator(new OperatorIDTuple(filter,0));

              if(subjectIsALiteral && objectIsALiteral){
                final Filter firstFilter = new Filter("(" + object + " = " + realObject + ")");
                final Filter secondFilter = new Filter("(" + subject + " = " + realSubject + ")");
                final Projection firstProjection = new Projection();
                if(graphConstraint!=null && graphConstraint.isVariable() && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(subjectNode)) && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(objectNode))) {
                final Projection secondProjection = new Projection();
                if(graphConstraint!=null && graphConstraint.isVariable() && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(subjectNode)) && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(objectNode))) {

                firstFilter.addSucceedingOperator(new OperatorIDTuple(firstProjection,0));
                firstProjection.addSucceedingOperator(new OperatorIDTuple(secondFilter, 0));
                secondFilter.addSucceedingOperator(new OperatorIDTuple(secondProjection,0));
                startingOperator.addSucceedingOperator(new OperatorIDTuple(firstFilter,0));
      catch( final Exception e){
    } else {
      // alternative way to evaluate (...)?, (...)* and (...)+ without using the Closure and PathLengthZero operators!
        Variable subject;
        Variable object;
        Item realSubject = null;
        Item realObject = null;
        boolean subjectIsALiteral = false;
        boolean objectIsALiteral = false;
        Item itm = getItem(tripleSet.jjtGetChild(0));
        if (!itm.isVariable()){
          subject = this.getVariable(getItem(tripleSet.jjtGetChild(0)).toString(), getItem(tripleSet.jjtGetChild(2)).toString(), "interimSubject");
          realSubject = itm;
          subjectIsALiteral = true;
        } else {
          subject = (Variable) itm;
        final Node subjectNode = tripleSet.jjtGetChild(0);
        itm = getItem(tripleSet.jjtGetChild(2));
        if (!itm.isVariable()){
          object = this.getVariable(getItem(tripleSet.jjtGetChild(0)).toString(), getItem(tripleSet.jjtGetChild(2)).toString(), "interimObject");
          realObject = itm;
          objectIsALiteral = true;
        } else {
          object = (Variable) itm;
        final Node objectNode = tripleSet.jjtGetChild(2);
        final ReplaceVar replaceVar = new ReplaceVar();
        replaceVar.addSubstitution(object, subject);
        final Variable variable = this.getVariable(subject.toString(), object.toString(), "interimVariable");
        replaceVar.addSubstitution(variable, object);
        if(graphConstraint!=null && graphConstraint.isVariable() && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(subjectNode)) && !graphConstraint.equals(getItem(objectNode))) {
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  public BasicOperator visit(final ASTOptionalOccurence node,
      final OperatorConnection connection, final Item graphConstraint,
      final Variable subject, final Variable object, final Node subjectNode, final Node objectNode) {
      Node predicateNode = node.jjtGetChild(0);
      while (predicateNode instanceof ASTOptionalOccurence){
        predicateNode = predicateNode.jjtGetChild(0);
      final BasicOperator startingOperator = predicateNode.accept(this, connection, graphConstraint, subject, object, subjectNode, objectNode);

      final Item[] items = {subject,this.getVariable(subject.toString(),object.toString(),"predicate"),object};
      final TriplePattern tp = new TriplePattern(items);
      final LinkedList<TriplePattern> temp = new LinkedList<TriplePattern>();
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  public BasicOperator visit(final ASTArbitraryOccurences node,
      final OperatorConnection connection, final Item graphConstraint,
      final Variable subject, final Variable object, final Node subjectNode, final Node objectNode) {
      Node predicateNode = node.jjtGetChild(0);
      while (predicateNode instanceof ASTArbitraryOccurences ||
          predicateNode instanceof ASTArbitraryOccurencesNotZero){
        predicateNode = predicateNode.jjtGetChild(0);
      final BasicOperator startingOperator = predicateNode.accept(this, connection, graphConstraint, subject, object, subjectNode, objectNode);
      // System.out.println(startingOperator);

      Set<Literal> allowedObjects = null;
      Set<Literal> allowedSubjects = null;
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  public BasicOperator visit(final ASTArbitraryOccurencesNotZero node,
      final OperatorConnection connection, final Item graphConstraint,
      final Variable subject, final Variable object, final Node subjectNode, final Node objectNode) {
      Node predicateNode = node.jjtGetChild(0);
      while (predicateNode instanceof ASTArbitraryOccurences ||
          predicateNode instanceof ASTArbitraryOccurencesNotZero){
        if(predicateNode instanceof ASTArbitraryOccurences){
          return predicateNode.accept(this, connection, graphConstraint, subject, object, subjectNode, objectNode);
        predicateNode = predicateNode.jjtGetChild(0);
      final BasicOperator startingOperator = predicateNode.accept(this, connection, graphConstraint, subject, object, subjectNode, objectNode);

      Set<Literal> allowedObjects = null;
      Set<Literal> allowedSubjects = null;

      if(node.jjtGetParent() instanceof ASTTripleSet){
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    if (graphConstraint != null && graphConstraint.isVariable()
        && !(node instanceof ASTSelectQuery && ((ASTSelectQuery)node).isSelectAll())) {

      boolean graphVariableIsSelected = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
        final Node n = node.jjtGetChild(i);
        if (n instanceof ASTVar) {
          final ASTVar variable = (ASTVar) n;
          if (variable.getName().equals(graphConstraint.getName())) {
            graphVariableIsSelected = true;
      // as a workaround we rename the graphvariable in the subquery
      if (!graphVariableIsSelected) {
        int index=0;
        do {
          graphConstraint = new Variable(graphConstraint.getName() + index);
        } while (this.hasThisVariable(node, graphConstraint));
    final int numberChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

    boolean onlyAggregations = true;

    // insert limit operator
    for (int i = 0; i < numberChildren; i++) {
      if (node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTLimit) {
        node.jjtGetChild(i).accept(this, connection);
    // insert offset operator
    for (int i = 0; i < numberChildren; i++) {
      if (node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTOffset) {
        node.jjtGetChild(i).accept(this, connection);

    if (node instanceof ASTSelectQuery && ((ASTSelectQuery)node).isDistinct()) {

      // or insert a DISTINCT operator into the operator graph:
      connection.connectAndSetAsNewOperatorConnection(new Distinct());

    LinkedList<AddComputedBinding> listOACB = new LinkedList<AddComputedBinding>();
    boolean group = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < numberChildren; i++) {
      final Node childi = node.jjtGetChild(i);
      if (childi instanceof ASTGroup) {
        group = true;

    // insert projection operator

    if (!(node instanceof ASTSelectQuery && ((ASTSelectQuery)node).isSelectAll())) {
      final Projection p = new Projection();
      final LinkedList<AddComputedBinding> listOfAddComputedBindings = new LinkedList<AddComputedBinding>();
      for (int i = 0; i < numberChildren; i++) {
        if (node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTVar) {
          final ASTVar variable = (ASTVar) node.jjtGetChild(i);
          p.addProjectionElement(new Variable(variable.getName()));
          onlyAggregations = false;
        } else if (node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTAs) {
          final ASTVar variable = (ASTVar) node.jjtGetChild(i)
          final lupos.sparql1_1.Node constraint = node.jjtGetChild(i)
           * Detecting Errors in SelectQuery if aggregations are used
           * and additional variables are not bound by a GROUP BY
           * statement
          // this.prooveBoundedGroup(node.jjtGetChild(i));

          if (!(constraint instanceof ASTAggregation)) {
            onlyAggregations = false;
          final Variable var2 = new Variable(variable.getName());
          final AddComputedBinding acb = group ? new GroupByAddComputedBinding()
              : new AddComputedBinding();
          acb.addProjectionElement(var2, constraint);
      // deleting of values if there is only an aggregation statement
      if (onlyAggregations || group) {
        connection.connectAndSetAsNewOperatorConnection(new Distinct());
      listOACB = this.topologicalSorting(listOfAddComputedBindings);

    // insert sort operator
    for (int i = 0; i < numberChildren; i++) {
      if (node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTOrderConditions) {
        node.jjtGetChild(i).accept(this, connection);

    for (final AddComputedBinding acb : listOACB) {

    // Dealing with the HAVING clause
    for (int i = 0; i < numberChildren; i++) {
      final Node childi = node.jjtGetChild(i);
      if (childi instanceof ASTHaving) {
        for (int k = 0; k < childi.jjtGetNumChildren(); k++) {
          if (childi.jjtGetChild(k) instanceof ASTFilterConstraint) {
            final Having filter = new Having((ASTFilterConstraint) childi
            this.processExistChildren(node, graphConstraint, filter);


    // Dealing with the GROUP clause
    for (int j = 0; j < numberChildren; j++) {
      final Projection p = new Projection();
      final LinkedList<AddComputedBinding> listOfAddComputedBindings = new LinkedList<AddComputedBinding>();
      ASTVar variable = null;
      final Node childi = node.jjtGetChild(j);
      onlyAggregations = true;
      if (childi instanceof ASTGroup) {
        for (int i = 0; i < childi.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
          if (childi.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTAdditionNode
              || childi.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTSubtractionNode
              || childi.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTMultiplicationNode
              || childi.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTDivisionNode) {
            throw new Error(
                "Error in GROUP BY statement: AS not found");

          } else if (childi.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTAs) {

            variable = (ASTVar) childi.jjtGetChild(i).jjtGetChild(1);
            final lupos.sparql1_1.Node constraint = childi.jjtGetChild(i).jjtGetChild(0);

             * Detecting Errors in SelectQuery if aggregations are
             * used and additional variables are not bound by a
             * GROUP BY statement
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      if (mode == EvaluationMode.DEMO) {
      return true;
    } else if (e instanceof ParseException) {
      final ParseException pe = (ParseException) e;
      this.displayErrorMessage(pe.getMessage(), false, queryOrRif);

      int line;
      int column;

      // get precise line and column...
      if ( == null) {
        line = pe.currentToken.beginLine;
        column = pe.currentToken.beginColumn;
      } else {
        line =;
        column =;

      this.setErrorPosition(line, column, queryOrRif);
      if (mode == EvaluationMode.DEMO) {
      return true;
    } else if(e instanceof lupos.rif.generated.parser.ParseException){
      final lupos.rif.generated.parser.ParseException pe = (lupos.rif.generated.parser.ParseException) e;
      this.displayErrorMessage(pe.getMessage(), false, queryOrRif);

      int line;
      int column;

      // get precise line and column...
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Related Classes of lupos.sparql1_1.operatorgraph.ServiceGeneratorFetchAsNeededWithCache

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