private Bindings computeNext() {
while (itt.hasNext()) {
// also consider inner joins in triple patterns like ?a ?a ?b.
Triple t;
if (tp.getBloomFilters() != null
&& (tp.getBloomFilters()[0] != null
|| tp.getBloomFilters()[1] != null || tp
.getBloomFilters()[2] != null)) {
do {
boolean considerLastTriple;
if (this.lastTriple == null) {
this.lastTriple = itt.next();
considerLastTriple = true;
} else {
considerLastTriple = false;
final Literal[] keyTriple = new Literal[3];
boolean useKey = false;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
final int i = positions[order.ordinal()][j];
if (!useKey
&& tp.getBloomFilters()[i] != null) {
int index = (Math.abs(this.lastTriple
.getPos(i).hashCode()) % SIPFilterOperator.NUMBEROFBITSFORBLOOMFILTER);
if (!tp.getBloomFilters()[i].get(index)) {
final int startIndex = index;
while ((index % tp
.size()) != startIndex
&& !tp.getBloomFilters()[i]
% tp
.size())) {
// All bits are set to 0 in the
// bloom filter?
if (index
% tp.getBloomFilters()[i]
.size() == startIndex) {
return null;
// calculate distancepreserving jump over the gap!
final int code = ((LazyLiteral) this.lastTriple
+ (index - startIndex);
// if (code >=
// LazyLiteral.maxID())
// keyTriple[i] = lastTriple
// .getPos(i);
// else {
keyTriple[i] = new LazyLiteral(code);
useKey = true;
// }
} else {
keyTriple[i] = null;
} else {
keyTriple[i] = null;
if (useKey) {
// do distancepreserving jump over the gap!
final TripleKey key = tp.getKey(keyTriple,
t = itt.next(key);
} else {
t = (considerLastTriple) ? this.lastTriple : itt
this.lastTriple = t;
if (t == null) {
return null;
} while ((tp.getBloomFilters()[0] != null && !tp
|| (tp.getBloomFilters()[1] != null && !tp
|| (tp.getBloomFilters()[2] != null && !tp
.hashCode()) % SIPFilterOperator.NUMBEROFBITSFORBLOOMFILTER))));
} else {
t = itt.next();
if (t != null) {
this.lastTriple = t;
final Bindings znext = tp.process(t, false);
if (znext != null) {
return znext;
return null;
private Bindings computeNext(final Bindings k) {
if (!(itt instanceof SIPParallelIterator)) {
return this.computeNext();
final TripleKey key = tp.getKey(k, order);
while (itt.hasNext()) {
// also consider inner joins in triple patterns like
// ?a ?a ?b.
// Furthermore, do distancepreserving jump over the gap
// using bloom filters!
if (tp.getBloomFilters() != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (tp.getBloomFilters()[i] != null
&& key.getTriple().getPos(i) != null) {
int index = (Math.abs(key.getTriple()
.getPos(i).hashCode()) % SIPFilterOperator.NUMBEROFBITSFORBLOOMFILTER);
if (!tp.getBloomFilters()[i].get(index)) {
final int startIndex = index;
while ((index % tp.getBloomFilters()[i]
.size()) != startIndex
&& !tp.getBloomFilters()[i]
% tp
.size())) {
// all bits in the bloom filter are
// set
// to 0?
if (index
% tp.getBloomFilters()[i]
.size() == startIndex) {
return null;
// distancepreserving jump over the
// gap!
final int code = ((LazyLiteral) key
+ (index - startIndex);
// if (code < LazyLiteral.maxID())
new LazyLiteral(code));
final Triple t = itt.next(key);
if (t != null) {
this.lastTriple = t;
final Bindings znext = tp.process(t, false);
if (znext != null) {
return znext;