* We also adjust all positions to conform with the raw input (undoing any positional shifts caused by preprocessing).
private void rtrimPositions(List<Node> nodes, List<Comment> comments) {
final boolean[] whitespace = new boolean[preprocessed.length()];
for (Comment comment : comments) {
Position p = comment.getPosition();
if (!p.isUnplaced()) {
for (int i = p.getStart(); i < p.getEnd(); i++) whitespace[i] = true;
/* Process actual whitespace in preprocessed source data */ {
char[] chars = preprocessed.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) if (Character.isWhitespace(chars[i])) whitespace[i] = true;
for (Node node : nodes) node.accept(new ForwardingAstVisitor() {
@Override public boolean visitNode(Node node) {
Position p = node.getPosition();
if (p.isUnplaced()) return false;
int trimmed = Math.min(whitespace.length, p.getEnd());
while (trimmed > 0 && whitespace[trimmed-1]) trimmed--;
int start, end;
if (p.getEnd() - p.getStart() == 0) {
if (node.getParent() != null) {
start = Math.min(node.getParent().getPosition().getEnd(), Math.max(node.getParent().getPosition().getStart(), p.getStart()));
end = start;
} else {
start = p.getStart();
end = start;
} else {
start = p.getStart();
end = Math.max(trimmed, start);
node.setPosition(new Position(start, end));
return false;