if(!"".equals(Util.getProperty("swing.defaultlaf", ""))) {
} catch (Exception ignored) { }
LookAndFeel origLF = UIManager.getLookAndFeel();
if(origLF != null && !customLF.containsKey(origLF.getClass().getName())) {
customLF.put(origLF.getClass().getName(), origLF);
Activator.log.debug("Saved orig L&F " + origLF.getClass().getName());
try {
boolean bUseCustomLF = false;
if(origLF == null) {
Activator.log.debug("Setting Knopflerfish L&F since no LF was set");
bUseCustomLF = true;
} else {
if(origLF.getClass().getName().startsWith("com.l2fprod.gui.plaf.skin")) {
Activator.log.debug("Skipping Knopflerfish L&F since SkinLF seems to be active");
} else if(-1 != origLF.getClass().getName().indexOf("apple.")) {
Activator.log.debug("Skipping Knopflerfish L&F since Apple LF seems to be active");
} else {
Activator.log.debug("Overriding LF " + origLF.getClass().getName() +
" with Knopflerfish LF");
bUseCustomLF = true;
if(bUseSystemLF) {