// Set the offset of the end of the file
endOfFileOffset = fileChannel.size();
// First, create the btree of btrees <NameRevision, Long>
btreeOfBtrees = BTreeFactory.createPersistedBTree( BOB_ONE_NAME, new NameRevisionSerializer(),
new LongSerializer() );
// Now, initialize the Copied Page BTree
copiedPageBTree = BTreeFactory.createPersistedBTree( COPIED_PAGE_BTREE_NAME, new RevisionNameSerializer(),
new LongArraySerializer() );
// and initialize the Revision BTree
revisionBTree = BTreeFactory.createPersistedBTree( REVISION_BTREE_NAME, new RevisionNameSerializer(),
new LongSerializer() );
// Inject these BTrees into the RecordManager
manage( copiedPageBTree );