EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates =
Set<String> users = request.getUsers();
Set<String> queues = request.getQueues();
long limit = request.getLimit();
LongRange start = request.getStartRange();
LongRange finish = request.getFinishRange();
final Map<ApplicationId, RMApp> apps = rmContext.getRMApps();
Iterator<RMApp> appsIter;
// If the query filters by queues, we can avoid considering apps outside
// of those queues by asking the scheduler for the apps in those queues.
if (queues != null && !queues.isEmpty()) {
// Construct an iterator over apps in given queues
// Collect list of lists to avoid copying all apps
final List<List<ApplicationAttemptId>> queueAppLists =
new ArrayList<List<ApplicationAttemptId>>();
for (String queue : queues) {
List<ApplicationAttemptId> appsInQueue = scheduler.getAppsInQueue(queue);
if (appsInQueue != null && !appsInQueue.isEmpty()) {
appsIter = new Iterator<RMApp>() {
Iterator<List<ApplicationAttemptId>> appListIter = queueAppLists.iterator();
Iterator<ApplicationAttemptId> schedAppsIter;
public boolean hasNext() {
// Because queueAppLists has no empty lists, hasNext is whether the
// current list hasNext or whether there are any remaining lists
return (schedAppsIter != null && schedAppsIter.hasNext())
|| appListIter.hasNext();
public RMApp next() {
if (schedAppsIter == null || !schedAppsIter.hasNext()) {
schedAppsIter = appListIter.next().iterator();
return apps.get(schedAppsIter.next().getApplicationId());
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove not supported");
} else {
appsIter = apps.values().iterator();
List<ApplicationReport> reports = new ArrayList<ApplicationReport>();
while (appsIter.hasNext() && reports.size() < limit) {
RMApp application = appsIter.next();
if (applicationTypes != null && !applicationTypes.isEmpty()) {
String appTypeToMatch = caseSensitive
? application.getApplicationType()
: application.getApplicationType().toLowerCase();
if (!applicationTypes.contains(appTypeToMatch)) {
if (applicationStates != null && !applicationStates.isEmpty()) {
if (!applicationStates.contains(application
.createApplicationState())) {
if (users != null && !users.isEmpty() &&
!users.contains(application.getUser())) {
if (start != null && !start.containsLong(application.getStartTime())) {
if (finish != null && !finish.containsLong(application.getFinishTime())) {
boolean allowAccess = checkAccess(callerUGI, application.getUser(),
ApplicationAccessType.VIEW_APP, application);