Examples of LogicalPlanTester

Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester

     * between order by and the store
     * @throws Exception
    public void testSortInfoOrderByLimit() throws Exception {
        LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester(pc);
        lpt.buildPlan("a = load 'bla' as (i:int, n:chararray, d:double);");
        lpt.buildPlan("b = order a by i, d desc;");
        lpt.buildPlan("c = limit b 10;");
        LogicalPlan lp = lpt.buildPlan("store c into 'foo';");
        PigServer.SortInfoSetter siSetter = new PigServer.SortInfoSetter(lp);
        LOPrinter lpr = new LOPrinter(System.err, lp);
        PhysicalPlan pp = buildPhysicalPlan(lp);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester

     * before the store
     * @throws Exception
    public void testSortInfoNoOrderBySchema() throws Exception {
        LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester(pc);
        lpt.buildPlan("a = load 'bla' ;");
        lpt.buildPlan("b = order a by $0;");
        LogicalPlan lp = lpt.buildPlan("store b into 'foo';");
        PigServer.SortInfoSetter siSetter = new PigServer.SortInfoSetter(lp);
        PhysicalPlan pp = buildPhysicalPlan(lp);
        SortInfo si = ((POStore)(pp.getLeaves().get(0))).getSortInfo();
        SortInfo expected = getSortInfo(Arrays.asList(new String[] {null}),
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Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester

    public void testCompilation(){
            LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester();
            lpt.buildPlan("A = LOAD 'data1' using "+ DummyCollectableLoader.class.getName() +"() as (id, name, grade);");
            lpt.buildPlan("B = LOAD 'data2' using "+ DummyIndexableLoader.class.getName() +"() as (id, name, grade);");
            lpt.buildPlan("D = LOAD 'data2' using "+ DummyIndexableLoader.class.getName() +"() as (id, name, grade);");
            LogicalPlan lp = lpt.buildPlan("C = cogroup A by id, B by id, D by id using 'merge';");
            assertEquals(LOCogroup.GROUPTYPE.MERGE, ((LOCogroup)lp.getLeaves().get(0)).getGroupType());

            PigContext pc = new PigContext(ExecType.MAPREDUCE,cluster.getProperties());
            PhysicalPlan phyP = Util.buildPhysicalPlan(lp, pc);
            PhysicalOperator phyOp = phyP.getLeaves().get(0);
            assertTrue(phyOp instanceof POMergeCogroup);

            lp = lpt.buildPlan("store C into 'out';");
            MROperPlan mrPlan = Util.buildMRPlan(Util.buildPhysicalPlan(lp, pc),pc);           

            Iterator<MapReduceOper> itr = mrPlan.iterator();
            MapReduceOper oper = itr.next();
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Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester


    public void testFailure1() throws Exception{
        LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester();
        lpt.buildPlan("A = LOAD 'data1' using "+ DummyCollectableLoader.class.getName() +"() as (id, name, grade);");
        lpt.buildPlan("E = group A by id;");
        lpt.buildPlan("B = LOAD 'data2' using "+ DummyIndexableLoader.class.getName() +"() as (id, name, grade);");
        lpt.buildPlan("D = LOAD 'data2' using "+ DummyIndexableLoader.class.getName() +"() as (id, name, grade);");
        LogicalPlan lp = lpt.buildPlan("C = cogroup E by A.id, B by id, D by id using 'merge';");
        assertEquals(LOCogroup.GROUPTYPE.MERGE, ((LOCogroup)lp.getLeaves().get(0)).getGroupType());

        PigContext pc = new PigContext(ExecType.MAPREDUCE,cluster.getProperties());
        boolean exceptionCaught = false;
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Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester

    public void testFailure2() throws Exception{
        LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester();
        lpt.buildPlan("A = LOAD 'data1' using "+ DummyCollectableLoader.class.getName() +"() as (id, name, grade);");
        lpt.buildPlan("B = LOAD 'data2' using "+ DummyIndexableLoader.class.getName() +"() as (id, name, grade);");
        lpt.buildPlan("D = LOAD 'data2' using "+ DummyIndexableLoader.class.getName() +"() as (id, name, grade);");
        LogicalPlan lp = lpt.buildPlan("C = cogroup A by id inner, B by id, D by id inner using 'merge';");
        assertEquals(LOCogroup.GROUPTYPE.MERGE, ((LOCogroup)lp.getLeaves().get(0)).getGroupType());

        PigContext pc = new PigContext(ExecType.MAPREDUCE,cluster.getProperties());
        boolean exceptionCaught = false;
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Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester

    PigContext pc = new PigContext(ExecType.LOCAL, new Properties());
    LogicalPlanTester planTester = new LogicalPlanTester(pc) ;
    public void testSimple() throws Exception {
        LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester( pc );
        lpt.buildPlan( "A = LOAD 'file.txt' AS (name, cuisines:bag{ t : ( cuisine ) } );" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "B = FOREACH A GENERATE name, flatten(cuisines);" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "C = FILTER B BY name == 'joe';" );
        org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalPlan plan = lpt.buildPlan( "D = STORE C INTO 'empty';" )
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migrateAndOptimizePlan( plan );

        Operator load = newLogicalPlan.getSources().get( 0 );
        Assert.assertTrue( load instanceof LOLoad );
        Operator filter = newLogicalPlan.getSuccessors( load ).get( 0 );
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Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester

        Assert.assertTrue( fe2 instanceof LOForEach );
    public void testMultipleFilter() throws Exception {
        LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester( pc );
        lpt.buildPlan( "A = LOAD 'file.txt' AS (name, cuisines : bag{ t : ( cuisine ) } );" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "B = FOREACH A GENERATE name, flatten(cuisines);" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "C = FILTER B BY $1 == 'french';" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "D = FILTER C BY name == 'joe';" );
        org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalPlan plan = lpt.buildPlan( "E = STORE D INTO 'empty';" )
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migrateAndOptimizePlan( plan );
        Operator load = newLogicalPlan.getSources().get( 0 );
        Assert.assertTrue( load instanceof LOLoad );
        Operator filter = newLogicalPlan.getSuccessors( load ).get( 0 );
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Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester

        Assert.assertTrue( filter2 instanceof LOFilter );
    public void testMultipleFilter2() throws Exception {
        LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester( pc );
        lpt.buildPlan( "A = LOAD 'file.txt' AS (name, age, cuisines : bag{ t : ( cuisine ) } );" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "B = FOREACH A GENERATE name, age, flatten(cuisines);" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "C = FILTER B BY name == 'joe';" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "D = FILTER C BY age == 30;" );
        org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalPlan plan = lpt.buildPlan( "E = STORE D INTO 'empty';" )
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migrateAndOptimizePlan( plan );
        Operator load = newLogicalPlan.getSources().get( 0 );
        Assert.assertTrue( load instanceof LOLoad );
        Operator filter = newLogicalPlan.getSuccessors( load ).get( 0 );
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Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester

        Assert.assertTrue( fe2 instanceof LOForEach );
    public void testMultipleFilterNotPossible() throws Exception {
        LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester( pc );
        lpt.buildPlan( "A = LOAD 'file.txt' AS (name, cuisines : bag{ t : ( cuisine, region ) } );" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "B = FOREACH A GENERATE name, flatten(cuisines);" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "C = FILTER B BY $1 == 'French';" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "D = FILTER C BY $2 == 'Europe';" );
        org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalPlan plan = lpt.buildPlan( "E = STORE D INTO 'empty';" )
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migrateAndOptimizePlan( plan );

        Operator load = newLogicalPlan.getSources().get( 0 );
        Assert.assertTrue( load instanceof LOLoad );
        Operator fe1 = newLogicalPlan.getSuccessors( load ).get( 0 );
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Examples of org.apache.pig.test.utils.LogicalPlanTester

        Assert.assertTrue( filter2 instanceof LOFilter );
    public void testNotPossibleFilter() throws Exception {
        LogicalPlanTester lpt = new LogicalPlanTester( pc );
        lpt.buildPlan( "A = LOAD 'file.txt' AS (name, cuisines:bag{ t : ( cuisine ) } );" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "B = FOREACH A GENERATE name, flatten(cuisines);" );
        lpt.buildPlan( "C = FILTER B BY cuisine == 'French';" );
        org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalPlan plan = lpt.buildPlan( "D = STORE C INTO 'empty';" )
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = migrateAndOptimizePlan( plan );

        Operator load = newLogicalPlan.getSources().get( 0 );
        Assert.assertTrue( load instanceof LOLoad );
        Operator fe1 = newLogicalPlan.getSuccessors( load ).get( 0 );
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