// get column numbers from input uids
Set<Long> inputUids = (Set<Long>)foreach.getAnnotation(ColumnPruneHelper.INPUTUIDS);
// Get all top level projects
LogicalPlan innerPlan = foreach.getInnerPlan();
List<LOInnerLoad> innerLoads= new ArrayList<LOInnerLoad>();
List<Operator> sources = innerPlan.getSources();
for (Operator s : sources) {
if (s instanceof LOInnerLoad)
// If project of the innerLoad is not in INPUTUIDS, remove this innerLoad
Set<LOInnerLoad> innerLoadsToRemove = new HashSet<LOInnerLoad>();
for (LOInnerLoad innerLoad: innerLoads) {
ProjectExpression project = innerLoad.getProjection();
if (project.isProjectStar()) {
LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema tupleFS = project.getFieldSchema();
// Check the first component of the star projection
long uid = tupleFS.schema.getField(0).uid;
if (!inputUids.contains(uid))
else {
if (!inputUids.contains(project.getFieldSchema().uid))
// Find the logical operator immediate precede LOGenerate which should be removed (the whole branch)
Set<LogicalRelationalOperator> branchHeadToRemove = new HashSet<LogicalRelationalOperator>();
for (LOInnerLoad innerLoad : innerLoadsToRemove) {
Operator op = innerLoad;
while (!(innerPlan.getSuccessors(op).get(0) instanceof LOGenerate)) {
op = innerPlan.getSuccessors(op).get(0);
// Find the expression plan to remove
LOGenerate gen = (LOGenerate)innerPlan.getSinks().get(0);
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> genPlansToRemove = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> genPlans = gen.getOutputPlans();
for (int i=0;i<genPlans.size();i++) {
LogicalExpressionPlan expPlan = genPlans.get(i);
List<Operator> expSources = expPlan.getSinks();
for (Operator expSrc : expSources) {
if (expSrc instanceof ProjectExpression) {
LogicalRelationalOperator reference = ((ProjectExpression)expSrc).findReferent();
if (branchHeadToRemove.contains(reference)) {
// Build the temporary structure based on genPlansToRemove, which include:
// * flattenList
// * outputPlanSchemas
// * uidOnlySchemas
// * inputsRemoved
// We first construct inputsNeeded, and inputsRemoved = (all inputs) - inputsNeeded.
// We cannot figure out inputsRemoved directly since the inputs may be used by other output plan.
// We can only get inputsRemoved after visiting all output plans.
List<Boolean> flattenList = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
Set<Integer> inputsNeeded = new HashSet<Integer>();
Set<Integer> inputsRemoved = new HashSet<Integer>();
List<LogicalSchema> outputPlanSchemas = new ArrayList<LogicalSchema>();
List<LogicalSchema> uidOnlySchemas = new ArrayList<LogicalSchema>();
List<LogicalSchema> userDefinedSchemas = null;
if (gen.getUserDefinedSchema()!=null)
userDefinedSchemas = new ArrayList<LogicalSchema>();
for (int i=0;i<genPlans.size();i++) {
LogicalExpressionPlan genPlan = genPlans.get(i);
if (!genPlansToRemove.contains(genPlan)) {
if (gen.getUserDefinedSchema()!=null) {
List<Operator> sinks = genPlan.getSinks();
for(Operator s: sinks) {
if (s instanceof ProjectExpression) {
List<Operator> preds = innerPlan.getPredecessors(gen);
if (preds!=null) { // otherwise, all gen plan are based on constant, no need to adjust
for (int i=0;i<preds.size();i++) {
if (!inputsNeeded.contains(i))