The logical page box does not have a layout at all. It has collection of flows, one for each
logical page area.
Each logical page has a header (for the repeating group headers, not to be mistaken as PageHeader!), content and footer area. The footer area contains the foot-notes at the very bottom, the repeatable footer area and finally the flow:bottom area.
The flow- and repeatable areas behave like stacks, and are filled from the content area (so for headers, new content goes after any previous content, and for footers, new content goes before any previous content.)
The footNotes section is always filled in the normal-order, so new content gets added at the bottom of that area.
The logical page also holds the absolutely and static positioned elements. These elements may overlap the repeating headers, but will never overlap the physical page header or footer.
The logical page is also the container for all physical pages. (The sizes of the physical pages influence the available space on the logical pages.)
Layout notes: The logical page, as it is implemented now, consists of three areas. The header and footer areas are plain banded areas and correspond to the @top and @bottom page-areas. These areas are layouted zero-based. The header's y=0 corresponds to the beginning of the page, while the footer's y=0 depends on the total height of the footer and must fullfill the following constraint: Page_bottom_edge = (footer_y + footer_height).
The content window is positioned relative to the content-flow and is placed between the header and the footer. The mapping of the content into the header is defined by the pageOffset. The content-window's y=0 corresponds to the normal-flow's y=pageOffset.
Repeatable headers and footers are *not* inserted into the content-flow.
@author Thomas Morgner